Postgraduate Convocation 2021
Establishment of Faculty of Indigenous Medicine
University of Colombo proudly announces the establishment of its newest Faculty, the Faculty of Indigenous Medicine, through Gazette Extraordinary No 2319/22 on Wednesday, February 13, 2023. This marks a significant milestone in the history of the institution as the 10th Faculty. The Faculty of Indigenous Medicine will consist of six new departments, each focusing on […]
UOC signs an MoU with the Japan Association for the Promotion of Ayurveda (JAPA)
Induction day for the Early Career Academics (ECAs)
The Academic Mentoring Program (AMP) of the University hosted an Induction Programme for Early Career Academics (ECAs) at the main auditorium of the Faculty of Medicine on the 28th of February 2023. The programme’s main highlights were the lecture on “Developing your academic profile” by Senior Professor (Chair) H.D. Karunaratne, the Vice Chancellor of the […]
Launch of ‘Restoderma’, a Poly-herbal Miracle Wound Healer Cream
A research team from the Faculty of Science led by Professor Preethi Udagama has developed an efficient and effective, easy-to-use stimulant for skin regeneration therapy (specially for wound healing), comprising a non-toxic (at working concentrations), poly-herbal distillate which provides faster results than the currently available alternatives. The Inventor team headed by Professor Udagama consisted of […]
UOC signs an MoU to share its equipment & machines with farmers.
University of Colombo signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Mr Walpola Gamage Chandrasena, Indurusiri Furniture, Kalutara on the 24th of February 2023 to share a machine for producing biodegradable plates using leftover banana leaves that would otherwise go to waste. The initiative was undertaken to find a productive use for this waste material by converting […]
‘Geetha Wimansa’ | ගීත විමංසා – Faculty of Technology
The Arts Club of the Faculty of Technology in collaboration with the Arts Council of the University organized the Fifth Geetha Vimansa program on the 23rd of February 2023, at the Faculty of Technology premises. The program featured the participation of renowned lyricist Mr Sunil R Gamage. The occasion was graced by several senior artists, […]
Undergraduate Research Conference – Department of Mass Media, Sri Palee Campus
Department of Mass Media, Sri Palee Campus organized an Undergraduate Research Conference on the 22nd of February 2023. The theme of the conference was “The structure and dynamics of Media and Liberal Arts”. Sub-themes of the conference were Culture and communication, New trends in Media and Liberal Arts, Media management and their challengers, Creative industry […]
Ministry of Agriculture signs an MoU with the Department of Agricultural Technology
UoC successfully concludes JICA Chair Programme 2022/2023
The Closing Ceremony of the University of Colombo’s JICA Chair Programme 2022/2023 was successfully held on February 21, 2023, at the Faculty of Graduate Studies Auditorium. The event was graced by the First Secretary of the Embassy of Japan in Sri Lanka Mr Inoue Kenji, the Director General South Asia Department of Japan International Cooperation […]
Russian Delegation Visits University of Colombo
On February 20, 2023, a group of delegates from Russia visited the University of Colombo. Mr Buddhapriya Senanayake, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Russian Centre in Colombo, accompanied the delegation. During their meeting with Senior Professor (Chair) H.D. Karunaratne, the Vice Chancellor of the University, the delegates discussed several important topics, including the […]
UOC Signs MoUs with Mallika Niwasa Samithiya and Colombo Friends in Need Society
University of Colombo signed two important MoUs with Mallika Nivasa Samithiya (Society) Ltd and Colombo Friends in Need Society on the 20th of February 2023 at the College House. Mallika Niwasa Samithiya is a charitable institution established in the year 1920, having its Registered Office at 45 Visakha Road, Colombo 4. Mallika Niwasa Samithiya signed […]
Annual ‘Pirith’ Chanting Ceremony 2023
The Annual ‘Pirith’ Chanting Ceremony of the University was held on the 17th of February 2023 followed by an Alms Giving ceremony on the morning of the 18th at the College House Premises. The Welfare Society of the university organized the ceremony with the aim of seeking blessings for the University’s future endeavors. View More […]
Inauguration of the Asia Pacific Master of Human Rights and Democratisation (APMA)
The Asia Pacific Master of Human Rights and Democratisation (APMA) Program for the academic year 2022/2023 was inaugurated on February 17, 2023, at the Senate Hall, College House. The event began with the welcome address from Professor (Chair) Wasantha Seneviratne, the Director of the Centre for the Study of Human Rights, followed by addresses from […]
Certificate Awarding Ceremony 2023: Faculty of Management and Finance
The Certificate Awarding Ceremony for the Executive Diploma in Business Administration (EDBA) Programme and the Higher Diploma in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (HDESBM) Programme was held on February 16, 2023, at the Jayaratne Hall of the Faculty of Management and Finance. The event was graced by Senior Professor (Chair) H.D. Karunaratne, the Vice Chancellor […]
Themathuram 2023
The Art Council and Cultural Centre hosted the ‘Themathuram’ (The art with taste) program on 15th February 2023 at the New Arts Theatre. The program brought together multiple languages and multicultural stakeholders at the university and featured cultural events such as songs, dances, traditional ballets, mass-up songs, and debates performed by undergraduate students. The event […]