University Business Linkage (UBL Cell)
Universities are at the frontier of knowledge, research, innovation, and cutting-edge technology. One of the key strengths of the University of Colombo (UOC) is the dedicated, diverse, and mature team of researchers who engage in cutting-edge research. Therefore, the UOC endeavours to create a research and innovation-driven academic culture and envisions that research results should be turned into useful products and services for public use and benefit people by enhancing their quality of life. To achieve the above-mentioned objective, it is imperative that the research outcomes of the University be transferred to industries and businesses. Against this backdrop, the establishment of the University Business Linkage (UBL) Cell is a necessary step in the implementation of the UGC Circular 10/2016 in the University of Colombo with the support from the Accelerating Higher Education Expansion and Development (AHEAD) Project. In effect, the UBL Cell functions as the Technology Transfer Office (TTO) of the University of Colombo. The UBL-UOC facilitates the protection, management, and commercialization of University innovation and assists in bringing research results to the marketplace for the benefit of the public.
To become a leader in promoting technology transfer and commercialization by creating a living and breathing innovation ecosystem in the University of Colombo.
To facilitate the transfer of university created technologies into new products and services for public use and benefits and contribute to the national development by linking the intellectual capital of university academia and entrepreneurial excellence of the business community.
University Business Linkage envisages the following objectives:
- Popularize and promote the University Business Linkage (UBL) among academic staff and students
- Protect, manage and commercialize intellectual property rights resulting from university research and innovation
- Facilitate the translation of university research into new products and services for public use and benefit
- Bring the fruits of university research and creativity to the public
- Support augmentation of student projects to cater to the needs of the industrial landscape
- Provide necessary support for university researchers to protect intellectual property rights through national and international filing and registration
- Guide university academia and students to establish new ventures such as start-up businesses
- Support intellectual asset management of the university
- Enhance university-industry collaborations and partnerships by connecting the business community with university resources
- Encourage the university to play an active role in technology-based economic development and job creation
- Generate new revenue streams for the university through licensing

Director (Acting) UBL Cell
Professor M.N. Kaumal

Ms Arani Ranasinghe
College House
Cumaratunga Munidasa Mawatha
University of Colombo
Sri Lanka
+94 112 047 106
Faculty of Arts | Dr Shanuka Herath |
Faculty of Management | Professor B.Nishantha |
Faculty of Science | Professor Sudheera Ranawala |
Faculty of Medicine | Professor Ranil Jayawardene |
Faculty of Technology | Dr G.A.U. Jayasekara |
Faculty of Education | Dr Lanka Wedikandage |
Faculty of Graduate Studies | Professor Sudheera Ranawala |
Faculty of Law | Dr Darshana Sumanadasa |
Sri Palee Campus | Mr Pujitha De Mel |