Author: University of Colombo University of Colombo


University of Colombo’s path towards a sustainable, carbon neutral green university

The University of Colombo is on the verge of becoming a sustainable, green, and carbon-neutral university. The university has plans to become a greener, carbon-neutral university through enhancing greenery, shifting to more renewable energy sources, and minimizing the waste on campus, while promoting recycling and its contribution to a circular economy. The University has planned […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | CEI . News

University of Colombo as a Polythene- Free Zone

The Center for Environmental Initiatives (CEI) of the University of Colombo implemented a policy on reducing the use of single-use polythene and plastic products inside the University since September 2017 to be in line with the government regulations on banning the use of single-use plastics and Polythene. The Center for Environmental Initiatives has conducted awareness […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | CEI . News

No. 1 among Sri Lankan Universities in the Webometrics Ranking 2020

The University of Colombo is pleased to announce that it has placed first among Sri Lankan Universities in the Webometrics Ranking July 2020. MESSAGE FROM THE VICE-CHANCELLOR   Dear members of staff and students, The University of Colombo is pleased to announce that it has placed first among Sri Lankan Universities in the Webometrics Ranking […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | News . Ranking News

The 15th Annual District Conference Leo District 306 C1 – Leo Club

‘Forerunner’ the Annual District Conference for the Leo District 306 C1 was held on 26th July 2020 at Renaissance hotel Malabe as glamorously as ever. As the chief guest, the District Governor Lion Mahinda Perera MJF MAF JP graced the event. The guest of honour for the evening was the District Governor elect Lion Chethiya […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Leo Club . News

Oration 2020 -The Legendary Speech Competition for People Willing to Push the Envelope

For about five years, the Gavel Club of the University of Colombo has conducted weekly meetings where people are encouraged to stand up in front of a crowd and speak for one minute, where undergraduates from all the faculties make lifelong friends from different faculties and where members gather to celebrate everyone’s success. Within a [...]
By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Gavel Club . News

Undergraduate Research Symposium 2020 – Faculty of Arts

The Faculty of Arts organised their 2nd Undergraduate Research Symposium – Humanities and Social Sciences 2020 on 24th July 2020 via zoom. It is the first attempt to host an undergraduate research symposium virtually in the University of Colombo and possibly in Sri Lanka. The Vice-Chancellor, University of Colombo, Senior Professor Chandrika N Wijeyaratne was […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Arts . News . Symposium . Webinar

Vice-Chancellor’s message – COVID-19 Outbreak Notices | PCR testing

ENGLISHසිංහලENGLISH Dear members of staff and students, I write to you to reassure you that the University of Colombo is observing all prescribed preventive measures to ensure that each and every one of you and the wider community remains safe and well. Please be informed that we are in regular discussion with senior health authorities [...]
By University of Colombo University of Colombo | COVID-19 Outbreak Notices

A report on the Law Goes Green 2020 Panel Discussion

The Faculty of Law has been spear heading many endeavours in the field of law and has been conscious of its role as an institution which sets examples. ‘Law Goes Green’ is one such attempt where the Faculty aimed to create awareness and instil the sense of responsibility towards one’s environment in their own undergraduates. […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Law . News

Law goes Green 2020

Celebrating its 7th consecutive year, Law Goes Green 2020 brought together the different stakeholders to spark academic discussion ‘Green Conversations’, on the theme ‘An academic, legal and activist approach to environmental protection in Sri Lanka: Challenges and way forward’. The panel discussion was held on 10th July 2020 where it served as a step towards […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Law . Law goes Green . News

Development of a Mushroom Bag Filling Machine

The machine has been developed by Mr. G. Pathum Hashan an undergraduate in the seventh batch of the Institute of Agro-Technology and Rural Sciences (UCIARS) as a manually operated machine with 25% efficiency. He is planning to convert this manually operated machine to an electrical version. This machine fills 400 polythene bags per day and […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | News . Research News . UCIARS

Awarding Ceremony of the 19th “Chinese Bridge” Competition

The 19th “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competition for Foreign College Students in Sri Lanka Division was held at the College House of the University of Colombo on 6th July 2020 under the patronage of the Vice-Chancellor, University of Colombo, Senior Professor Chandrika N Wijeyaratne and the Dean, Faculty of Arts, Senior Professor Premakumara de Silva. […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Arts & Culture . Confucius Institute . Gallery . News

AADL Movie Chat

Association for Aesthetic Dimensions of Law, Faculty of Law, University of Colombo (AADL) was indeed happy to host its first Zoom discussion forum on 30 June 2020 with Guest Speaker, Dr. Lakshmi Damayanthi Bulathsinghala who joined us from New York, USA despite all the work she had. We heartily appreciate her presence at the discussion. […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Law . News

Vice-Chancellor’s message – COVID-19 Outbreak Notices

My dear Students, I convey my very best wishes to our senior students who sit the re-scheduled examinations commencing Monday 29th June 2020. We are so happy to have our young members on site. I seek your best attention to the health and safety rules put in place, as per Government and Ministry of Health […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | COVID-19 Outbreak Notices

Solar Eclipse 2020 Observation Camp

June 21, 2020, was not just another ordinary day for the Astronomical Society of the University of Colombo. It was a day that the moon obstructed the direct view of the Sun from the Earth. In other words, it was the day that a solar eclipse occurred. It was a day with big plans for [...]
By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Gallery . News

Colombo UN75 Dialogue

As part of the 75th anniversary commemoration the UN is holding a worldwide dialogue in as many communities and countries as possible, across borders, sectors, and generations, to assess current and future risks and opportunities, and source solutions for global cooperation. The online Colombo UN75 Dialogue was held on June 18, 2020, via zoom. The [...]
By University of Colombo University of Colombo | International Office . News . Webinar

Opening of New Tissue Culture Laboratory – UCIARS

A well-equipped tissue culture laboratory with modern facilities was opened on the 17th of June 2020 at the Institute of Agro Technology and Rural Sciences, Waligattha. The laboratory provides opportunities for practical activities of students, facilities for research purposes, and assistance for commercial-scale productions of in-vitro propagated planting materials.

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | News . UCIARS