Vice-Chancellor’s message – Current status of the Muttiah hostel
Dear Students and members of Staff of UoC,
I understand there is a need for you to be accurately updated on the above issue. There appears to be a campaign of misinformation and defamation sponsored by some members of our own university community – who possibly have a different agenda. I have delayed this communication as our university effectively diffused an imminent take over of our hostel and assets as of the 30th November 2020; when Hon Minister Professor GL Peiris gave me and the registrar a firm assurance, in the presence of two senior appointed members of Council.
This indeed was a great relief and we remain grateful to the honourable minister, our former vice-chancellor.
We must appreciate that we do not own the hostel land and have a constant threat of being evicted. Therefore, I am discussing with the higher authorities, with the support of our alumni and well wishers, to negotiate for a more definitive long-term plan for better hostel facilities with full ownership in close proximity to our campus, that will also factor in our students with special needs.
I do not consider these turn of events needing any form of celebration. So let us be patient, hopeful, and professional in our day to day activities.
The quality and standards of our education are of paramount importance. This should be our main focus of interest
Please stay safe and well!
Yours truly,
Professor Chandrika Wijeyaratne
UPDATED: 12:17