Author: University of Colombo University of Colombo


Vice-Chancellor’s message – COVID-19 Outbreak Notices | Online mode

Dear members of staff and students, I touch base with you at the 48-hour mark of the current re-arrangement of functioning of our University. Settling back into the online mode of university activities is essential, and I am certain you have reverted without undue distress. The media reports of increasing numbers of test positives among […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | COVID-19 Outbreak Notices

Vice-Chancellor’s message – COVID-19 Outbreak Notices | We made a collective decision..

Dear members of staff and students, I convey my sincere appreciation to you all for your support and cooperation in dealing with a possible threat of resurgence of COVID19 infection. I appreciate how each and every one of you, from differing study programs and settings, have abided with the best of health and safety protocols […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | COVID-19 Outbreak Notices

Academic Staff Training Workshop – Confucius Institute

Aiming to build a high-level Confucius Institute of corresponding academic ability in addition to its Chinese language education, the Confucius Institute, University of Colombo (CIUC) initiated the first Academic Staff Training Workshop for CIUC and the Teaching staff from 2nd – 4th October 2020. The Dean, Faculty of Arts – Senior Professor Premakumara de Silva, […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Arts . Confucius Institute . News

Farewell of Professor K A I L Gamalath

Farewell of Professor KAIL Gamalath, Department of Physics was held at the Faculty Club on the 30th of September 2020 with the participation of faculty staff and the students of the Department. View more Photos on FOS Media

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Gallery . News . Science

Entrepreneurship Skills Development – How to Write a Business Proposal

The Career Guidance Unit of the University of Colombo organized a workshop on “Entrepreneurship Skills Development” under the topic on “How to Write a Business Proposal” for the undergraduates of the University of Colombo on 30th September 2020 from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm at the Hall WW 112 (West Wing) Faculty of Management & […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | CGU . Gallery . News

Felicitation of the 7th Vice-Chancellor of the University of Colombo – Professor Gamini Lakshman Peiris on his assumption of office as the Minister of Education of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka

The Alumni Association of the University of Colombo felicitated their former Vice-Chancellor and an illustrious alumnus Hon. Prof. G. L. Peiris, the newly appointed Minister of Education recently at a function held at the Senate Hall of the University of Colombo. The event was attended by Vice-Chancellors, Deans, Academics, and Alumnus. Mr. Rajeev Amarasuriya, the […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Alumni . Gallery . News

Awarding Ceremony of the Certificate Course in Chinese Language

The certificate awarding ceremony of the ‘Certificate Course in Chinese Language 2018/2019’ of the Confucius Institute, University of Colombo (CIUC)was held on 29th September 2020 at the M. B. Ariyapala Auditorium, Faculty of Arts. This is the first certificate awarding ceremony since 2018. The Dean, Faculty of Arts, Senior Professor Premakumara de Silva, the Deputy […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Arts . Confucius Institute . Gallery . News

International Tourism Leaders’ Summit and the International Tourism Research Conference

The 7th International Tourism Leaders’ Summit (ITLS) and 6th International Tourism Research Conference (ITRC) were held on 27th September 2020 in parallel to UNWTO World Tourism Day Celebration in the Year 2020 organized by the students and Alumni Association of Tourism Economics and Hotel Management (AATEHM) of the Department of Economics, University of Colombo, under […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Gallery . News

Farewell of Professor W N Wickremasinghe

Farewell of Professor W N Wickremasinghe, Department of Statistics was held at the Faculty Club on the 25th of September 2020 with the participation of faculty staff and the students of the Department. View more Photos on FOS Media

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Gallery . News . Science

Vice-Chancellor’s message – COVID-19 Outbreak Notices | Made in UoC

My dear Students, I convey my very best wishes to all our students currently on campus for teaching-learning activities and assessment through re-scheduled examinations. We are so happy to have more of you on site, as our University becomes so vibrant in your presence. I wish to reiterate my request for your best of attention […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Archives

Online Learning in Sri Lanka’s Higher Education Institutions during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The temporary closure of educational institutions during the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has abruptly transformed the global education landscape in favor of distance learning. This radical shift saw a surge in the use of various digital platforms and applications, including digital learning management systems, collaboration platforms for live-video communication, massive open online courses (MOOCs), and […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | News

The Inauguration of the MA in Sinhala Programme – 2020/2021

The Inauguration of the MA in Sinhala 2020/2021 programme was held on 5th September 2020 at the M.B. Ariyapala Auditorium, Department of Sinhala. The Welcome address was delivered by Professor Sandagomi Coperahewa, Head | Department of Sinhala. A special lecture for the new intake was delivered by Professors Ven Agalakada Sirisumana. Emeritus Professors Kusuma Karunarthne, […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Arts . News

Obituary Notice: Professor J.A.S.K. Jayakody

It is with great sadness that the Faculty of Management & Finance announces the passing away of Professor JASK Jayakody on 28th August 2020. Professor JASK Jayakody served as the Director of the IHRA and he was a Professor in the Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Colombo at the time of his demise. […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Obituary

Inauguration of MA in Buddhist Studies Program

Master of Arts in Buddhist Studies 2019/2020 program offered by the Department of Buddhist Studies, Faculty of Arts was inaugurated via zoom on 28th August 2020. Senior Professor Premakumara de Silva, Dean, Faculty of Arts attended as the Chief Guest and expressed his greetings for the Program and appreciated the Head of the Department’s contribution […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Arts . News

Launching Ceremony of the Collected Papers of Emeritus Professor Asanga Tilakaratne

The launching ceremony of the Collected Papers of Asanga Tilakaratne was held at Lotus Hall, BMICH, Colombo on 27th August 2020 at 4.00 pm onwards. In this great occasion, three volumes in Sinhala; Buddhist Philosophy and Ethics, Studies on Buddhist Modernity, and Buddhist Literature and Culture, and five volumes in English; Buddhist Philosophy, Buddhist Ethics, […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Arts . Gallery . News

Second Donation of Anti-pandemic Supplies by the Bank of China Colombo Branch

On 26th August 2020, Bank of China again prepared 20,000 masks (10,000 for Faculty of Arts) and 20 thermometers for the University of Colombo (UoC) to prepare together with the University for the overall resumption of classes. Assistant Country Manager Yang Lixin handed over the materials to Senior Professor Chandrika N Wijeyaratne, Vice-Chancellor, University of […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Arts . Confucius Institute . News