Author: University of Colombo University of Colombo


AADL Movie Chat

Association for Aesthetic Dimensions of Law, Faculty of Law, University of Colombo (AADL) was indeed happy to host its first Zoom discussion forum on 30 June 2020 with Guest Speaker, Dr. Lakshmi Damayanthi Bulathsinghala who joined us from New York, USA despite all the work she had. We heartily appreciate her presence at the discussion. […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Law . News

Vice-Chancellor’s message – COVID-19 Outbreak Notices

My dear Students, I convey my very best wishes to our senior students who sit the re-scheduled examinations commencing Monday 29th June 2020. We are so happy to have our young members on site. I seek your best attention to the health and safety rules put in place, as per Government and Ministry of Health […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | COVID-19 Outbreak Notices

Solar Eclipse 2020 Observation Camp

June 21, 2020, was not just another ordinary day for the Astronomical Society of the University of Colombo. It was a day that the moon obstructed the direct view of the Sun from the Earth. In other words, it was the day that a solar eclipse occurred. It was a day with big plans for [...]
By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Gallery . News

Colombo UN75 Dialogue

As part of the 75th anniversary commemoration the UN is holding a worldwide dialogue in as many communities and countries as possible, across borders, sectors, and generations, to assess current and future risks and opportunities, and source solutions for global cooperation. The online Colombo UN75 Dialogue was held on June 18, 2020, via zoom. The [...]
By University of Colombo University of Colombo | International Office . News . Webinar

Opening of New Tissue Culture Laboratory – UCIARS

A well-equipped tissue culture laboratory with modern facilities was opened on the 17th of June 2020 at the Institute of Agro Technology and Rural Sciences, Waligattha. The laboratory provides opportunities for practical activities of students, facilities for research purposes, and assistance for commercial-scale productions of in-vitro propagated planting materials.

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | News . UCIARS

Donation from the International Atomic Energy Agency via the Sri Lanka Atomic Energy Board

A significant donation of Coronavirus diagnostic kits and related equipment valued at over 14 million rupees was handed over to Professor Chandrika N Wijeyaratne, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Colombo, by Professor SRD Rosa, Chairman of the Sri Lanka Atomic Energy Board (SLAEB) at a simple ceremony held at the Faculty of Medicine. Present were […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Gallery . Medicine . News

Donation made by the Alumni Association

In response to the invitation made by the Vice-Chancellor to support the University’s efforts in addressing the need to provide easy digital access to undergraduates to online learning, the Alumni Association of the University of Colombo made a donation of Rs. 250,000/= this afternoon towards the fund created for this purpose. The Alumni Association of […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Alumni . Gallery . News

Opening Ceremony of Faculty of Technology Complex

The ceremonial opening of the new building complex of the Faculty of Technology, University of Colombo was held on the 10th June 2020 at Pitipana, Homagama. Hon. Minister of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation Dr. Bandula Gaunawardana, the Secretary to the Ministry of Higher Education, Technology and Innovation Mr. Anura Dissanayake, the Chairman of the […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | News . Technology

Donation form MBA Alumni Association

Respecting the humble request made by the Vice-chancellor University of Colombo MBA Alumni Association came forward with its membership to help university undergraduates and try to resolve their online teaching and learning related issues. A generous contribution of Rupees 505,000/= contributed to the Vice-chancellor. As a leading association of the University of Colombo the MBA […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | News

World Environment Day 2020

World Environment Day is celebrated every year on June 5th to bring awareness among the people regarding environmental issues and to take positive steps for the survival of the environment. The theme for World Environment Day 2020 is ‘Time for nature ‘during the time of the Covid-19 global pandemic. Unlike in the previous years, this […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | CEI . News

One Square Piece of Paper- Endless Possibilities

Mindfulness practices are those which make us take the time and the space to be aware of what we are doing in ‘the moment’, with no judgement or expectations. All too often, especially in the current pandemic situation with its social distancing and lockdown regulations, we are barely aware of the days passing us by. [...]
By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Arts . News . wellbeing

Emma L. Conlon International Service Award

Golden Z Club of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo is the daughter club of Zonta Colombo 1. It’s 2019/2020 commitees’ aim was to uplift mental wellbeing in different populations in Sri Lanka. The international award, Emma L. Conlon Service Award, recognizes the project which best represents the ideals of Zonta International among 131 […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Medicine . News

Chinese Embassy in Sri Lanka donates 11000 medical masks

Dr. Wimal Hewamanage, Director (Sri Lanka) and Prof. Huang Wei, Director (China) of the Confucius Institute, University of Colombo received 11,000 medical masks from the Chinese Embassy in Sri Lanka on behalf of the Vice-chancellor, Senior Professor Chandrika N Wijeyaratne on 27th May 2020. The Vice-chancellor stated that these masks are to be dispatched to […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Arts . Confucius Institute . Gallery . News

COVID can help find a new model of thinking and living

Worldwide, the COVID-19 pandemic has made the lifestyle of people take an unprecedented turn. Sudden halting of close human contact, social distancing, even with your nearest and dearest take a huge mental toll on people. In a Sri Lankan setting where our culture is very much shaped by human bonds, the current pandemic has forced [...]
By University of Colombo University of Colombo | COVID-19 Outbreak Notices . News

The Vice Chancellor’s Message – A humble request to support our students | Student Distress Fund of the UoC

Dear Alumni and Well-wishers of the University of Colombo I am happy to inform you that with excellent support extended by University Grants Commission and Ministry of Higher Education, the University of Colombo has provided uninterrupted teaching and academic instruction for our students through online education. Nevertheless, many of our rural based undergraduate students (from [...]
By University of Colombo University of Colombo | COVID-19 Outbreak Notices