Embracing the truth of Dhamma to rise above the COVID catastrophe
Development of biodegradable pots with banana pseudostems for nurseries
There is a growing interest in home gardening especially in urban areas where vegetable seedlings raised in polythene bags are purchased from commercial nurseries. These polythene bags are essentially removed before planting. Taking this into consideration, the Institute for Agro-Technology and Rural Sciences (IARS) has developed a user-friendly biodegradable pot for raring seedlings successfully which […]
The Vice Chancellor’s Message – COVID-19 Outbreak Notices | Action by the UGC and LEARN
Dear members of staff and students I convey my best wishes to everyone and their families on this 52nd day of learning and working from our homes. I am hopeful that everyone remains in the best of health, and are coping well with the COVID19 related changes that have occurred to our daily living. To […]
Notice to all Staff & Students – Free Data Usage for LMS Servers and ZOOM service hosted in the University Network
HEAL THE WORLD | Euphony Choir
Amidst this global pandemic situation, the choristers of Euphony; the choir of the Faculty of Science, University of Colombo focused their energy toward something positive to help people cope with the sense of isolation and calamity. May this melodious creation be a tribute to all those who work at the front line to save the […]
Rakemu Api
A team from the Faculty of Science collaborated with the Sri Lanka Army to develop a mobile and web-based application, ‘Rakemu Api’ as a social responsibility project on the face of the COVID-19 outbreak. This application enables people of Sri Lanka located at any corner of the country to make online requests for essential medical/food […]
Seeking Accurate Information to Guide our Behaviours
Virtual Screening of Inhibitors Against Spike Glycoprotein of 2019 Novel Corona Virus: a Drug Repurposing Approach
The novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is a human and animal pathogen that recently emerged in the city of Wuhan in the Hubei province of China, causing a spectrum of severe respiratory illnesses. Coronaviruses make entry into human cells through its spike protein that binds to cell surface receptors. The wide spread of 2019-nCoV has been attributed […]