Second Donation of Anti-pandemic Supplies by the Bank of China Colombo Branch
On 26th August 2020, Bank of China again prepared 20,000 masks (10,000 for Faculty of Arts) and 20 thermometers for the University of Colombo (UoC) to prepare together with the University for the overall resumption of classes. Assistant Country Manager Yang Lixin handed over the materials to Senior Professor Chandrika N Wijeyaratne, Vice-Chancellor, University of Colombo and Senior Professor Premakumara de Silva, Dean, Faculty of Arts. On behalf of UoC, Vice-Chancellor expressed gratitude and appreciation for the support of the Bank of China Colombo Branch in the fight against the epidemic. She emphasized that since the establishment of CIUC, it has given full play to the role of a platform and bridge of communication and promoted the exchange and cooperation between UoC and Chinese institutions. Prof. Wijeyaratne also discussed with the representatives from the Faculty of Nursing, University of Colombo about the issue of construction, including infrastructure, funding, and cooperation between universities of Sri Lanka and China.
As the first Chinese-funded financial institution in Sri Lanka, Bank of China provides comprehensive and efficient financial services to promote China-Sri Lanka economic and trade cooperation and serve “Belt and Road” construction. Since its establishment in 2016, CIUC has also taken the initiative to develop vocational Chinese education and serve the local community. The project of vocational Chinese training for local employees launched by CIUC and the Bank of China Colombo Branch has received positive feedback. Early May this year, when the curfew was lifted in most parts of Sri Lanka, and social life gradually recovered, Bank of China Colombo Branch prepared anti-epidemic materials including medical masks and infrared forehead thermometers for the Confucius Institute, University of Colombo (CIUC). Director Tang Xin of the Colombo Branch Office went through the strict security control and gave personally the materials to CIUC, making it possible for the resumption of the classes at CIUC.