Vice-Chancellor’s message – COVID-19 Outbreak Notices | Online mode
Dear members of staff and students,
I touch base with you at the 48-hour mark of the current re-arrangement of functioning of our University. Settling back into the online mode of university activities is essential, and I am certain you have reverted without undue distress. The media reports of increasing numbers of test positives among contacts within the high-risk clusters is troubling. We must be thankful that our own staff and students remain well.
Any person who is deemed to be at risk will need to be in self-isolation at home or in your hostel in a separate room and be in constant touch with the UMO, Student Counselor, Hostel Warden, and Sub-warden. Please be assured that the Registrar, AR Welfare, Senior Student Counsellor and I can be contacted at any time. Kindly re-visit the simple health and safety guidelines that are well depicted on the Ministry of Health website https://hpb.health.gov.lk/en/covid-19 and COVID 19 dashboard https://www.hpb.health.gov.lk/en/news-single/10
We need to function as a responsible university community. Rector, deans, and directors are reviewing the situation daily and organizing the best fit model of blended learning with practical training and examinations being arranged as required.
Please communicate all your in-house issues to your Dean/Director and administrative head and ensure our university remains safe and sound.
Stay safe.
Yours truly,
Professor Chandrika Wijeyaratne
UPDATED: 10:31