Annual Research Symposium 2020 – Faculty of Law
Symposium 2020 of the Faculty of Law was conducted online on 19th December 2020 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The theme of the symposium was ‘Law at Crossroads: Reflections and Foresights’. It commenced with an inauguration in which a Keynote Address was delivered by Justice Dr. Saleem Marsoof PC. The Vice-Chancellor of the University of Colombo Senior Professor Chandrika N Wijeyaratne graced the occasion and addressed the audience. The Faculty made use of the opportunity for the launching a book and a student journal. The book published by the Department of Public and International Law under the title, Law in Defence of Human Integrity, Principles and Policies – Collected Essays, and the student Journal published by the Tamil Literary Association under the title NEERMAI were launched. 35 research findings of academics were presented in three parallel sessions depicting the Departments of Commercial law, Private and Comparative Law, and Public and International Law. Judges, eminent legal practitioners, policymakers, and senior academics served the panels of the three sessions and gave valuable comments. The conference was widely participated by academics, judges, practicing lawyers, corporate lawyers, and students of undergraduate, postgraduate, and diploma courses conducted by the Faculty of Law.