Remote work Arrangements During the CORONA Virus Pandemic

Deans of the Faculties
Directors of the Institutes
University Medical Officer
Heads of Departments, Centers & Units

Remote work Arrangements During the CORONA Virus Pandemic

This has reference to the Circular No: PS/SP/Circular/28/2020 issued by the Secretary to His Excellency. Accordingly, the University has decided to carry out its managerial and academic functions remotely online until further notice. Please continue online teaching as usual and take appropriate actions to conduct examinations through alternative methods of assessments as discussed at the Senate and other forums. Our University has already approved Special bylaws in order to assess the students’ performance through alternative methods instead of traditional examinations.

Employees shall Work From Home (WFH) between 8.30 am to 4.15 pm during working days. This can be made flexible by each Dean/Head of the Department/Branch/Unit depending on the work/service requirement. Please take appropriate action to deliver work materials such as files as well as the necessary equipment to the homes of employees if necessary, with the proper authorization. Each employee is required to maintain a Google Sheet/Diary during the WFH period to record instructions obtained/decisions taken via modes other than letters, minutes, and e-mails. In case Heads of Departments/Branches need the presence of employees themselves on-site to carry out work they are permitted to convene such employees by adhering to the health and safety measures.

However, the University needs to carry out essential services like Maintenance, Security, and Health Services, including laboratory services, continuously without interruption. Therefore, every head of such departments should determine how many employees should be convened for onsite work per day subject to a maximum of one-third of the total number of employees in the Department/Branch. Such Heads of Departments are responsible to maintain health and safety measures as per Health Guidelines.
Please stay safe and well.

Yours truly,

Professor Chandrika N Wijeyaratne

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UPDATED: 00:32