Goal 1: No PovertyGoal 2: Zero HungerGoal 3: Health and WellbeingGoal 4: Quality EducationGoal 5: Gender EqualityGoal 6: Clean Water and SanitationGoal 7: Affordable and Clean EnergyGoal 8: Decent Work and Economic GrowthGoal 9: Industry, Innovation and InfrastructureGoal 10: Reduced InequalitiesGoal 11: Sustainable Cities and CommunitiesGoal 12: Responsible Consumption and ProductionGoal 13: Climate Action Goal 14: Life Below WaterGoal 15: Life on LandGoal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong InstitutionsGoal 17: Partnerships for the GoalsAll 17 Goals
- Under the UNDP funded project Lot 2- General Awareness, Climate/Weather Information and Climate Smart Agriculture Training programs on Climate and Weather, Climate Change, Mitigation and Adaptation, Climate Smart Agriculture programs have been conducted targeting local community and stakeholders.
- Lot 2- General Awareness, Climate/Weather Information and Climate Smart Agriculture is being funded by the UNDP to conduct Training programs on training programs on Climate and Weather, Climate Change, Mitigation and Adaptation, Climate Smart Agriculture have been conducted targeting local community and stakeholders.
- Awareness related to climate change mitigation and adaptation, and early warning, etc. have been done through presentations and publications by academics. Providing local education programmes and campaigns on climate change risks, impacts, mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warnings etc.
- Towards a greener university
- University of Colombo’s path towards a sustainable, carbon neutral green university
- Colombo Uni’s green revolution (The Sunday Times Newspaper article)