Exploring Eco-Friendly Horizons: CELP Organizes Green Roadtrip Across the Southern Province
The second session of the ‘Green Road Trip’ (A Project to Mobilize Communities for Environmental Justice Across the Country) was successfully held on the 10th and 11th of November 2023 in Galle with the guidance of Senior Professor (Chair) H.D. Karunaratne, Vice Chancellor of the University and Professor Sampath Punchihewa, Dean of the Faculty of Law and Professor Kokila Konasinghe, Director of the Centre for Environmental Law and Policy. The project is part of the European Union-funded Support to Justice Sector Project (JURE), jointly implemented by UNDP and UNICEF Sri Lanka, and facilitated by the Ministry of Justice.
The target audience of the first day of the programme was public officers from various provincial and local government level authorities representing the Southern Province. The agenda was curated to cover important topics relevant to public officers as well as area-specific environmental topics such as Environmental Protection License, Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Issues and Marine Pollution. Guest lectures were delivered by academic luminaries and experts in the field such as Professor Turney Pradeep Kumara (Senior Lecturer, University of Ruhuna), Professor A. Sarveswaran (Senior Lecturer, University of Colombo) and Dr Udapadie Liyanage (Senior Lecturer, University of Colombo). Audience participation, active engagement and interactive discussions were encouraged throughout the programme. The first day of the session concluded with an awarding of certificates for all participants.
The second day of the programme which targeted youth groups, garnered around 65 youth participants from the Southern Province representing various Universities, Clubs and Societies. Similar to the first day of the programme, the session topics selected for youth participants were in keeping with Environmental Justice, Coastal and Marine Conservation and Sustainable Fisheries. The programme was further enriched with a session conducted by members of the notable volunteer organization, ‘The Pearl Protectors’ who shared their experiences and insights on the duty of the youth in Marine and Coastal Conservation. The participants also had the opportunity to learn about the legal framework surrounding the Ocean and Fisheries. A special highlight of the agenda was a group activity with elements of role-play and investigation on environmental issues. The Green Road Trip aspires to continue on its path towards environmental justice with renewed wisdom and vigour.