Goal 1: No PovertyGoal 2: Zero HungerGoal 3: Health and WellbeingGoal 4: Quality EducationGoal 5: Gender EqualityGoal 6: Clean Water and SanitationGoal 7: Affordable and Clean EnergyGoal 8: Decent Work and Economic GrowthGoal 9: Industry, Innovation and InfrastructureGoal 10: Reduced InequalitiesGoal 11: Sustainable Cities and CommunitiesGoal 12: Responsible Consumption and ProductionGoal 13: Climate Action Goal 14: Life Below WaterGoal 15: Life on LandGoal 16: Peace, Justice and Strong InstitutionsGoal 17: Partnerships for the GoalsAll 17 Goals
- Provide specific expert advice to local, regional or national government (e.g. through policy guidance, participation in committees, provision of evidence)
Chairman, Monetary Policy Consultative Committee, Central Bank (2) Accademia consultancy for private local university (3) Team Leader for National Industrial Policy Development (4) Co-founder and former Director, Center for Industrial and Economics Policy Research (CERIPA) (5) Co-founder and former Director, University-Industry Cell, University of Colombo. - The Faculty of Graduate Studies offers a Master’s in public administration and Management and Postgraduate Diploma in Public Administration targeting officers in Sri Lanka administrative services.
- The University has representation/ members serving in national expert committees, providing support in policy decision making. (Prof. Erandathie Lokupitiya)
- Medical education and hospital committee, Ayurveda medical council, Ayurveda formulary committee, National committee of indigenous medical system for combatting Covid 19 epidemic, promotion rural and Ayurvedic development and public health, Essential drug list for Ayurveda and Unani, WHO working group standard terminologies in Ayurveda Unani, Traditional medicine and Research Development, Steering committee of Minamata convention and Basel convention.
- Commitments by the Faculty of Medicine: Faculty staff have contributed to the development of food-based dietary guidelines for Sri Lanka., Food labelling sub-committee of the Food Advisory committee of the Ministry of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine Nutritional Biochemist, and subcommittee on Nutrition communication, Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka.
- Dr. HVYD Siriwardana Expert committee on communicable diseases, Sri Lanka Medical Association Expert consultative group on developing national control guidelines for leishmaniasis Expert guidance on developing mentoring programs in the University of Colombo and other professional organizations (Dr. HVYD Siriwardana and AMP team).
- Members of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology are actively involved in preparation of guidelines on the management of Obstetric conditions and are actively participating in all the activities mentioned and contributing for policy decisions, preparation of the National formulary, Maternal death review reports, etc.
- staff members of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology are members of committees in the Ministry of Health.
- The staff members of the Department of Psychiatry provides expert advice and guidance on the following, Dr. Mahesh Rajasuriya member of the National Authority on Tobacco Alcohol and contributes to policy and service development Prof. Madhubhashinee Dayabandara member of the National Mental Health Committee contriubting to service development at national level Prof. M. Dayabandara and Dr. Suhashini Ratnatunga memebrs of committee by Sri Lanka College of Psychiatrists to develop national electroconvulsive therapy guidelines Dr Dulangi Dahanayake is a member of the formulary revision subcommittee for drugs used for psychiatric diseases for revision of pharmaceutical formulary for government healthcare institutions 2019/2020 Dr Dulangi Dahanayake is a member of the working group on development of care pathways and national guidelines on 6 management of developmental disabilities, Child Care, Development & Special Need Unit, Family Health Bureau 2021.
National guideline development committees in Sri Lanka College of Endocrinologists -Diabetes - The Staff members of the faculty have contributed to the following: Member of the guideline development committee for the development of national guidelines on diabetes management- National guideline development committee for management of diabetes in collaboration with Ceylon College of Physicians and World Health Organization.
- The faculty of Medicine Teachers Association undertakes all issues pertaining to medical education and medical academics in which all academics are provided with a forum for the free expression of thoughts.Department of Medical Humanities conducted a workshop on Medical Humanities in Bhutan: The first in Asia. Jayasinghe, S, De Abrew, A Jayasinghe, D Tenzin, K, Tenzin, T. PP 166. Proceedings of the Abstract Book of Colombo Medical Congress. 2020/ The following session was carried out: “The Anthropocene, a Burning Planet and Planetary Health” in the Session on New Paradigms in Human Survival: Climate Change, Sustainability and Planetary Health at the Colombo Medical Congress-2020, Feb 2020.
- Undertaking policy-focused research in collaboration with government departments.
- Save the Children project / South Asia’s first study on online violence against children, the Faculty of Graduate Studies undertook to develop curriculum modules for the Master of National Security and Strategic Studies proposed by the National Defense College-Sri Lanka. FGS contributing to a national need undertook to support NDC with subject specialists contributing to develop the course modules aligned with SLQF/ ongoing policy-focused PhD research work conducted in collaboration with other government institutes.
Project on online violence - Research on Screening for Gestational Diabetes, Establishment of an Epilepsy in Pregnancy Registry, Research on quality-of-care improvement programmes.
- Combat COVID-19: Presentation on “Preventing Future Pandemics: Exploring a Planetary Health Response” in the Symposium on Emerging and Re-Emerging Infections. SLMA Anniversary 133rd Anniversary International Medical Congress. 22 to 24 July 2020. Colombo (Zoom). Presentation on “COVID-19, Socio-economic Vulnerabilities and Health” on World Demography Day 2020: Putting the Brakes on Covid-19. Department of Demography, University of Colombo.
Staff members of the faculty are members of:
- The Panel of Experts for inquiring into complaints.
- The Non-communicable disease steering committee.
- The committees for the establishment of a subfertility management center.
- The national drugs and therapeutic committee appointed Subcommittee on Non-Formulary items.
- The MSD revision of the National formulary.
- The national formulary revision core committee for drugs and used in malignant diseases.
- The Expert committee for validation of Elimination of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV and Syphilis.
- The Expert committee to review the Human Papilloma Virus Disease burden and the committee that recommend the introduction of the HPV vaccine.
- The evaluation of Medical device including medical equipment, surgical items and laboratory reagents used for assisted reproduction.
- The Technical Advisory Committee on Maternal Health and Family Planning.
- The expert committee in Maternal Mortality Death Reviews.
- The Expert committee on developing national guidelines for maternal care.
- The Development of best practice guidelines in Histopathology Reporting for the Health Sector Development Project.
- The National Expert Panel in Gynecology and Obstetrics for Private Health Service Regulatory Council.
- The Technical Advisory Committee at Durdans Hospital.
- The advisory boards in non-communicable diseases inn NCD Unit, Ministry of Health.
- The guideline development committee for the development of national guidelines on thyroid disorder management.
- The Development of End of life and Palliative care guidelines as a member of End of Life and Palliative Care Taskforce of SLMA.
- The Steering Committee of Renal Disease Prevention and Research Unit, Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka.
- The Guidelines committee for clinical management committee, Ministry of Health.
- The Ad-hoc advice on policy matters related to the COVID-19 pandemic in Sri Lanka to the National Operations Center for the Prevention of Covid and to the WHO.