Obituary Notice – Mr. Gopalan Jagath Priyantha Pradeep Kumara
It is with a great sense of sadness I inform staff and students of the University of Colombo of the sudden demise of Mr. Gopalan Jagath Priyantha Pradeep Kumara, aged 24 years from Bibile- a second-year student of our Faculty of Management & Finance. Our hearts grieve for this loss of valuable life. We convey […]
Establishment of New Community Centres – CSHR
The Centre for the Study of Human Rights is the pioneer research and academic institute affiliated to the Faculty of Law of the University of Colombo whose main objective is to educate and conduct research on the stream of Human Rights. As an institute attached to a state university, Centre for the Study of Human […]
Dean’s Lecture Series – Faculty of Arts
Under the patronage and guidance of Senior Professor Premakumara de Silva, Dean Faculty of Arts, the fourth lecture on the Dean’s Lecture Series of the Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo was organised to be delivered by Professor Bob Simpson, Durham University, UK. The Lecture titled ‘Managing the Pious Cadaver: Whole Body Donation and Anatomy […]
Closing Ceremony of the Sri Lanka University Games XIII 2019
The Closing Ceremony of the Sri Lanka University Games XIII 2019 was held on 7th of September 2019 at the Rabindranath Tagore Memorial Auditorium, University of Ruhuna. Mr. Kumar Sangakkara, a former Captain of the Sri Lankan National Cricket team, was the chief guest of this colorful event. University of Sri Jayewardenepura emerged as the […]
Cultural Workshop on Chinese Tea
The Confucius Institute at University of Colombo, co-organized a Cultural Workshop on Chinese Tea named as “The Taste of Chinese Tea from the Beautiful Yunnan Province” on 5th September 2019 in the Green Table area, Faculty of Arts. Venerable Professor Medawachchiye Dhammajothi Thero, the Local Director of CIUC, gave a welcome address to all invitees. […]
Godage National Literary Awards – 2019
Emeritus Professor of Sinhala J B Disanayaka and Professor and Head/Department of Sinhala Sandagomi Coperahewa received awards at the Godage National Literary Festival held on 5th September 2019 at the SLFI Auditorium. Professor Disanayaka received the Godage Lifetime Award for his contribution towards Sinhala language and literature and Professor Coperahewa received an award for the […]
International Symposium on ‘Sociology for Everyday Life’
The International Research Symposium of the Department of Sociology organized in celebration of its fiftieth milestone, with the theme ‘Sociology for everyday life‘ was held successfully on the 3rd and 4th of September 2019 at the University of Colombo premises. The inauguration ceremony was held on the 3rd of September at the College House Auditorium. The Chief […]
Obituary Notice – Professor Carlo Fonseka
12th Annual Vidya Jyothi Professor V. K. Samaranayake Memorial Oration 2019 and ICTer 2019
12th Annual Vidya Jyothi Professor V. K. Samaranayake Memorial Oration 2019 and 19th International Conference on Advances in ICT for Emerging Regions Conference Inauguration was held on Monday 2nd September 2019 at the Vidya Jyothi Professor V K Samaranayake Auditorium, University of Colombo School of Computing (UCSC). View more photos on Facebook – Day 1 […]
Grantsmanship workshop – Successful grant writing: principles, pearls & pitfalls
The University Business Linkage (UBL) Cell hosted ‘A Workshop on Successful Grant Writing: Principles, Pearls and Pitfalls’, its inaugural event, on 30th August 2019 at the Senate Hall of University of Colombo. The Workshop that was widely attended by young academic staff representing all Faculties of the University lead by the Vice-Chancellor Senior Professor Chandrika […]
Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) Program 2019 Inauguration
The Faculty of Management and Finance inaugurated its Doctor of Business Administration program on 23rd August 2019. The event was held with the participation of the Vice-Chancellor Senior Professor Chandrika N Wijeyaratne. Dr. Darin Gunasekara, the Chief Executive Director – Wiros Lakh Institute, delivered an inspiring keynote speech at the event.
‘Waste to Treat Waste’: A revolutionary waste management process for the textile industry
Licensing Agreement for Sustainable Waste Water System
SLUG XIII 2019 | Rugby
SLUG XIII 2019 Rugby match between University of Colombo and the University of Kelaniya was held on 10th of August at BOI Grounds, Koggala. University of Colombo won the match. Read More on FOS Media Students’ Blog View more photos on FOS Media | FMF Media
Unveiling a photograph of Dr. Siva Chinnatamby
Hewa Mawatha is the University of Colombo owned hostel since 17th March 2016, situated at No 11, Hewa Mawatha, Colombo 7. Dr. Siva Chinnnathamby is the owner of this house and she has donated her residential house by her last will to accommodate female students of the University of Colombo. Her portrait was unveiled at […]
Orientation Programme 2018/2019 – Institute of Indigenous Medicine
The Orientation Programme for the year 2018/2019 batch in the Institute of Indigenous Medicine was held on 5th August 2019 at the IIM main auditorium. The Ceremony took place with the presence of the Vice-Chancellor Senior Professor Chandrika N Wijeyaratne as the chief guest, The Director IIM Professor Priyani A Paranagama and the staff members […]