Postgraduate Convocation 2018 – Message from the Vice-Chancellor
I am indeed pleased to pen my thoughts on the occasion of the Postgraduate Convocation 2018 of the University of Colombo. I extend my warmest congratulations to all the awardees on achieving your degrees and higher diplomas from your esteemed study programmes. The University of Colombo aims for the highest academic goals and is indeed the considered benchmark in many fields of learning at national and regional levels. I am certain that your learning and research experience that you have gained is you an excellent in-depth knowledge with specialized skills will prove highly beneficial for your own career path, which as well as the society at large.
The University of Colombo is the jewel in the crown of the Sri Lankan higher educational system. Since its inception, from the medical school established in 1870, it has remained committed to the development of a high quality learning environment in many fields of study, in line with that ofthe visionaries and policy makers of our university. The numerous intellectual inputs over time with unending discussions have enabled the establishment and sustenance of a greatly valued Masters, M.Phil, Ph.D programmes , with the recently introduced DBA by the Faculty of Management & Finance. Indeed, your selection for the study programme, that attracts a large number of applicants, can be viewed as the epitome in the recognition of your capability to transgress into postgraduate learning and to graduate as a well-equipped professional. I am certain that your learning experience was most fulfilling and gratifying. There is no doubt of the kudos attached to obtaining a globally recognized pioneering degree from the oldest university in Sri Lanka. Hence, I will be failing in my duty if I do not acknowledge the academic luminaries, who over the past many decades, have given so much of their expertise and shared their experience to achieve the high standards academic excellence of today in the University of Colombo. Their services and dedicated contributionsmust not be overlooked or forgotten. Indeed, none of what we experienceand enjoy today in the highly valued outputs of our Universitywould not have been possible if not for the dedication of our forefathers.
As alumni of the University of Colombo I hope you will treasurethe trove of expertise you discovered within our establishment that helped you to broaden your horizons. I am certain that our University has helped nurture and develop each and every one of you to be a responsible professional for our beautiful country. Please remain connected with our establishment and support the staff and students.
I wish you all very best wishes for your great achievement.
Professor Chandrika N Wijeyaratne
Vice Chancellor
University of Colombo