

Economics Undergraduate wins the Best Research Paper Award at SAESM – Nepal

13th South Asian Economic Students’ Meet (SAESM) which was held in Kathmandu, Nepal from 29th January to 3rd February 2017 brought great glory to Sri Lanka and to the University of Colombo with the exceptional performance of young economists.  13th SAESM was very special for Sri Lanka and it stands amongst the best SAESMs for […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Achievements . Awards & Prizes . News

University Research Awards – 2015

University Research Awards – 2015  took place on 07th December 2016, at the Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall. The chairpersons for this event were His Grace, the Most Rev. Dr. Oswald Gomis, Chancellor of the University of Colombo and Professor Lakshman Dissanayake, Vice Chancellor of the University of Colombo. Professor Marie Perera, Faculty of Arts, […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Achievements . Awards & Prizes . News . University Research Awards

University of Colombo achieves top ranking, BRICS & Emerging Economies 2017

On 30th November 2016, the University of Colombo was ranked among the top 300 in the prestigious Times Higher Education BRICS & Emerging Economics Rankings 2017. The inclusion of the University of Colombo in the BRICS & Emerging Economies ranking is a significant achievement, as it indicates the University’s ranking as one of the top […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Achievements . News . Ranking News

Team “DESTROYER” wins silver award at Sri Lanka Robotics Competition

The team “DESTROYER” from the Faculty of Science, University of Colombo, won the silver award in the university category at the Sri Lanka Robotics Competition (SLRC 2016), organized by the E-Club of the Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering, University of Moratuwa, held on 11th November 2016. The team (Thilina Payagala, Thimira Sanuka, Hasith Perera, […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Achievements . News

UOC dominates the SLUG Hockey arena

University of Colombo men’s and women’s hockey teams went on to emerge as the champions and runners-up respectively at the 12th Sri Lanka University Games hockey tournament held at the University of Peradeniya from 12th – 14th August 2016. The University of Colombo lads and lasses showed tremendous potential backed by unshaken determination and talent […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Achievements . News . Physical Education . Sports

The Department of Economics has won the international Award for the Best IFITT-Talk of the year 2015

The Department of Economics, University of Colombo has won the international Award for the Best IFITT-Talk of the year 2015 from the International Federation for Information Technology and Travel & Tourism (IFITT). The IFITT announced the winning of this prestigious Best IFITT-Talk of the Year Award – 2015 to the Department of Economics. This international award has been bestowed […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Achievements . News

University of Colombo Team wins third place at the International Olympiad in Theoretical Physics

The University of Colombo is one of the best and oldest institutions for higher studies in the South Asian region and has Alumni serving at top scientific and industrial positions around the world, from scientists at NASA to scientists working on the LIGO project which recently discovered experimental evidence of gravitational fields. A team of […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Achievements . News

Asiri Wijesinghe won a Merit Award at the Asia Pacific ICT Awards 2015

Asiri Wijesinghe from the UCSC won a Merit Award for this final year’s individual project at the Asia Pacific ICT Awards 2015.  His project is Autogenous Diabetic Retinopathy Censor for Ophthalmologists – “AKSHI” a full-fledged system for classifying the severity level of Diabetic Retinopathy (based on retinal lesions) and detect retinal vascular networks to the […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Achievements . Awards & Prizes . News

Grip to Grip 2015 – Carrom Tournament

University of Colombo women’s carrom team won the 2nd runner up & men’s carrom team won the 4th place at Grip to Grip 2015

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Achievements . News . Physical Education . Sports

Government Services A Division Carrom Championship – 2015

University of Colombo wins Silver Medal in Government Services A Division Carrom Championship – 2015.


University of Colombo one of the best Universities in Asia

The Newsweek  has selected the University of Colombo as one of the best of Asian Universities


Global Business Challenge Champions 2014

The team “Corporate Consultants” representing the University of Colombo won the World Championship of CIMA Global Business Challenge 2014

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Achievements . News

Ten Outstanding Young Persons (TOYP) 2014

Mr K D Sandaruwan received the prestigious Ten Outstanding Young Persons (TOYP) of Sri Lanka award in recognition of his accomplishment in the field of technology development. TOYP Program is hosted by Junior Chamber International (JCI), Sri Lanka and hosted their 34th JCI TOYP Award Ceremony (2014) on 11th November at Waters Edge, Battaramulla. This […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Achievements . Awards & Prizes . News