Author: University of Colombo University of Colombo


Vice Chancellor’s Awards for Research Excellence 2017

The Vice Chancellor’s awards for Research Excellence 2017, are presented during the Postgraduate Convocation 2017 on 13th of November 2018 at the Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall for the contributions made by the senior academic staff in their outstanding research works. Professor Chandrasiri Niriella – Department of Sociology, Faculty of Arts Professor Deepika Fernando – [...]
By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Awards & Prizes . News . Vice Chancellor’s Awards

Postgraduate Convocation 2017 – Message from the Vice-Chancellor

I am very much delighted to warmly welcome all the graduands who will be receiving their degrees at the Post Graduate Convocation of the University of Colombo on the 12th & 13th November 2018. Dear students, keep in mind that you are a very fortunate group of students to receive your degrees from the University […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Convocation

Postgraduate Convocation 2017 – Message from the Chancellor

The University of Colombo is the oldest and the best distinguished state university in Sri Lanka. Naturally, there is a great demand for entrance here. Unfortunately, often we are restrained due to the lack of space and facilities to accommodate all those students who apply. However, our students get the best of academic quality and […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Convocation

Postgraduate Convocation 2017

The Postgraduate Convocation 2017 of the University of Colombo was held on 12th & 13th of November 2018 at the Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall for the conferment of Postgraduates Degrees of the University of Colombo. The Chancellor Most reverend Dr. Oswald Gomis, the Vice-Chancellor Senior Professor Lakshman Dissanayake, the Rector of Sri Palee Campus, Deans [...]
By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Convocation . Gallery . News

External Degree Convocation 2017

The External Degree Convocation of the University of Colombo was held on 10th November, 2018 at the Vidya Jyothi Professor V K Samaranayake Auditorium for the conferment of the Bachelor of Information Technology (External), Bachelor of Science in of Financial Engineering (External) and Bachelor of Science in Electronics and Automation Technologies (External). The Vice-Chancellor Senior Professor Lakshman Dissanayake, Deans [...]
By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Convocation . News . Science

Train-the-Trainer Blended Leaning Workshop at the Faculty of Management & Finance

To enable the ongoing blended learning project of the University of Colombo funded by UNESCO, the Faculty of Management & Finance, University of Colombo conducted its Train the Trainer program for its academic staff from October 17, 2018 to November 09, 2018. It covered the introduction to blended learning, using learning management system (LMS) for […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Blended Leaning . MGMT . News

Research Symposium 2018 – Faculty of Nursing

Aligning with the University Annual Research Symposium 2018, Faculty of Nursing organized a Mini-symposium under the theme of ‘Digitizing the healthcare sector-challenges and opportunities’ on 9th November 2018 at the faculty premises. Emeritus Professor Narada Warnakulasuriya from Sir John Kothalawala Defence University delivered the keynote address of the session. Professor Vajira Dissanayake from Faculty of […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Gallery . News . Nursing

Annual Research Symposium of Faculty of Medicine – 2018

The Annual Research Symposium of the Faculty of Medicine in 2018 was successfully concluded on 9th November 2018 with approximately 100 participants registering for the sessions. The keynote speech was delivered by Professor Vajira Dissanayake. This was followed by the Faculty Oration by Prof Pujitha Wickramasinghe. The post-lunch sessions consisted of three mini-symposia in relation […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Medicine . News . Research Symposium

Annual Research Symposium 2018

Engaging with the Digital World in Higher Education 8th November 2018 at the Vidya Jyothi Professor VK Samaranayake Auditorium, (UCSC) The Inauguration Ceremony of the Annual Research Symposium 2018, University of Colombo was held on 8th November 2018 from 8.30 am to 12.00 pm at the Vidya Jyothi Professor VK Samaranayake Auditorium, University of Colombo [...]
By University of Colombo University of Colombo | News . Research Symposium

Annual Research Conference 2018 – Faculty of Arts

The Annual Research Symposium of the Faculty of Arts, under the main theme of “Challenges and Opportunities in the Advancement of the Humanities and Social Sciences in the Digital World”, was  held on 8th – 9th November 2018, at the Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo. The keynote address was delivered by Dr. Ganeshan Wignaraja, Executive Director, Lakshman Kadirgamar […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Arts & Culture . Gallery . News . Research Symposium

IIM Established a herbal garden collaboration with the IARS

Department of Dravyaguna Vignana of Institute of Indigenous Medicine Established a herbal garden collaboration with the Institute for Agro-technology & Rural Sciences of the University of Colombo on 6th November 2018 at Weligatta New Town in Hambanthota District. Staff members of the department with the director of the institute and students participated in this event […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | FIM . News . UCIARS

Inter-University Championship 2018

Inter-University Championship 2018, consisting of 22 games was held from 2nd June to 4th November 2018 with the participation of 14 state universities in Sri Lanka. University of Colombo team was the overall Champions, the University of Sri Jayewardenepura was the first Runners-up and the University of Moratuwa was the overall second Runners-up. Mr. M.S.N. […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Gallery . News . Physical Education . Sports

“Vaani Vizha” Celebrations 2018

“VAANI VIZHA” Celebrations were held at University of Colombo School of Computing and the Faculty of Management & Finance on 1st November 2018 at the UCSC premises and 22nd October at the Faculty of Management & Finance premises with the participation of students and the staff members.

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Gallery . MGMT . News . UCSC

Train-the-Trainer Blended Learning Workshops at the Sri Palee Campus

The advancement of technology has unprecedentedly resulted in revolutionizing the way of teaching, learning, and assessment is conceptualized, designed, and implemented in many higher education institutions in the world. Blended Learning (BL), the deliberate synthesis of online and face-to-face teaching and learning is a hybrid teaching methodology that has been integrated into the curricular by […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Blended Leaning . News

Japan-Sri Lanka Academic Forum

The Annual Japan-Sri Lanka Academic Forum 2018 was held on 29th October 2018 at the Department of Economics Auditorium. Thereafter Japanese students left the university for their annual Sri Lanka excursion with the Colombo University students. This is an annual event of the Department of Economics academic calendar along with the other annual events such as International Tourism […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | News

Inauguration of the Training Programme in Fundamentals of Data Science

The inauguration of the Training Programme in Fundamentals of Data Science was held on 29th October, 2018 at the Senate Hall of University of Colombo. The Vice Chancellor, Senior Professor Lakshman Dissanayake graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. Professor K. R. Ranjith Mahanama, Dean Faculty of Science, Mr. Jeevan Gnanam, the Chairman of SLASSCOM, […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | Gallery . News . Science