Guest Lecture on “Arabic Language in the Business World”
The Arabic and Islamic Civilization Unit has organized a guest lecture on “Arabic language in the business world” on 19th January 2019 from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm at the Board Room, Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo. The lecture was delivered by Assistant Professor Shuhaib Alam – Jamia Millia University, New Delhi, Editor in Arabic/ Encyclopedia on Hajj and […]
The Long Service Awards Ceremony 2018
Thai Pongal Festival Celebration 2019
Thai Pongal Festival Celebration in 2019, organised by the students of the Faculty of Law was held on 18th January 2019 at the Faculty premises.
Inauguration Ceremony of the Academic year 2017/2018 – UCSC
The Inauguration Ceremony for the undergraduate academic year 2017/2018 of the University of Colombo School of Computing (UCSC) was held on 17th of January 2019 at the Vidya Jyothi Professor V.K. Samaranayake Auditorium. The Vice Chancellor University of Colombo Senior Professor Lakshman Dissanayake was the chief guest and the Director of UCSC, Professor K.P Hewagamage, the […]
Prof. Preethi Udagama inducted as the 78th General President of the SLAAS
Congratulations! Professor Preethi Udagama for being inducted as the 78th General President of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science (SLAAS). Professor Udagama was thus inducted at a ceremony held on 11thJanuary 2019 at the BMICH. The Chief Guest of this event was Vidya Nidhi Professor Emeritus Kamini Mendis of the University of […]
Commencement of Duties for Year 2019
The University of Colombo ceremonially commenced their duties of the new year on 1st of January 2019, with a special function attended by the Vice-chancellor Senior Professor Lakshman Dissanayake, deans of the faculties with the other all staff members of the university at the College house premises. The function commenced with the hoisting the National […]
Improved B-Learning Management system for Institute for Agro-technology
The University of Colombo was chosen as a lead implementing partner for a new UNESCO project on ICT-driven innovation; Seizing Digital Opportunities in Higher Education: Building staff capacity for ICT-driven innovation in Cambodia and Sri Lanka. This project is supported by the Shenzhen Municipal Government within the UNESCO-Shenzhen Funds-In-Trust Framework (SFIT). UNESCO project on B-Learning for […]
Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony of the Student’s Service Center
Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony of the proposed Student’s Service Center (SSC) of Faculty of Science was held on 21st of December 2018 at the Faculty of Science premises. The Chancellor Most Reverend Dr. Oswald Gomis, the vice Chancellor Senior Professor Lakshman Dissanayake, the Director of UCSC, Professor K.P Hewagamage, Deans of the faculties Professor K. […]
MoU between UoC and Philips Medical System
University of Colombo and Philips Medical Systems, Nederland, BV entered into a research agreement on the 21st of December 2018. Vice Chancellor, Senior Professor Lakshman Dissanayake signed on behalf of UoC while Philips Medical Systems was represented by a group of dignitaries from Philips India and Philips Sri Lanka, headed by Clinical Scientist, Dr. Indrajit […]
Program Establishment Support Series Organized by Academic Mentoring Program – Faculty of Medicine
University of Colombo is pleased to announce the inauguration of its first formal initiative on establishing academic mentoring for staff. This program was inaugurated by Senior Professor Lakshman Dissanayake, Vice-chancellor of the University of Colombo on 18th of December 2018 at the Faculty of Medicine. Faculty of Medicine launched its first in-house faculty mentoring program […]
22nd Annual General Meeting of the Alumni Organization
The 22nd Annual General Meeting of the Alumni Organization of the University Of Colombo was held on the 15th December 2018 at New Arts Theatre of the University of Colombo. The Alumni Organization was established in the year 1993 and completing its 22nd year and step up into 23rd successful year. A souvenir was issued […]
Annual “Pirith” Chanting Ceremony
The Annual “Pirith” Chanting Ceremony of the University of Colombo was held on 13th -14th December 2018 at the College House Premises. The Ceremony was organized by the Student & Staff Affairs society for the purpose of receiving blessings on future works of the University. View more photos on Facebook
Annual Christmas Carols 2018 – Faculty of Medicine
The Annual Christmas Carols of the Faculty of Medicine, Colombo dates back to many decades and takes the topmost place in the calendar of the Catholic Medical Students’ Society (CMSS). It is held with the purpose of glorifying in the birth of Christ, with the participation of students of all religions signifying the strength of […]
The 6th International Conference on Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha & Traditional Medicine 2018 (ICAUST 2018) – “Ayurveda towards Global Wellness” was held on 7th – 9th of December 2018 at the Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo. The Keynote Speakers were Professor Kamal Nayan Dwivedi, Head Department of Dravyaguna, Faculty of Ayurveda, IMS, BHU, Varanasi, […]
Panel Discussion on Marriage Law Reforms in Sri Lanka
The Family Law Course Team of the Department of Private and Comparative Law organized a panel discussion themed “Reforming the Law related to Marriage in Sri Lanka: Attempts and Prospects” on 5th December 2018 at the Faculty of Law. The panel consisted of Professor Sharya Scharenguivel, Mr. Thishya Weragoda (Attorney-at-Law), Ms. Safana Gul Begum (Attorney-at-Law), […]
Henry Dunant Memorial Moot (Regional Rounds) 2018
The Regional rounds of the Henry Dunant Memorial Moot Court Competition were held from the 4th to 6th December 2018, at Tehran, Iran, with the participation of 10 teams from India, Nepal, Iran, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. The Faculty of Law University of Colombo was represented by Ms. Shelani Palihawadana, Ms. Prashanthi Vignanantha, and Ms. […]