Workshop on “Writing Research Abstracts”, Faculty of Arts
A workshop on ‘Writing Research Abstracts’ was held on 28th February 2019 at the M. B. Ariyapala Auditorium, Department of Sinhala. The workshop was a preliminary step to the first Undergraduate Research Symposium, to be held on 12th March 2019. The purpose of the workshop was to give an understanding of how to write a coherent and well-structured […]
Second CERN-South Asian High Energy Physics Instrumentation Workshop on Detector Technology and Applications (SAHEPI-2)
CERN, the Ministry of Science, Technology and Research, Sri Lanka, the University of Ruhuna and the University of Colombo collaborated in holding the second CERN-South Asian High Energy Physics Instrumentation Workshop (SAHEPI-2) successfully in Colombo, Sri Lanka, on the 20th and 21st of February, 2019. SAHEPI-2 brought together physicists and policymakers from CERN, the South […]
Certificate Awarding Ceremony, Department of Buddhist Studies
The Department of Buddhist Studies, organized a Certificate Awarding Ceremony for the students who have passed the certificate Course in Introduction to Buddhist Studies (2018) and also to welcome the new batch of students (2019), on 16th February 2019 in the Economics Auditorium, Faculty of Arts. The Vice-chancellor Senior Professor Lakshman Dissanayake, Emeritus Professor Buddhist […]
Inauguration and certificate awarding ceremony of the Certificate Course in Politics and Governance (CCPG)
The Inauguration and Certificate awarding ceremony of the Certificate Course in Politics and Governance conducted by Department of Political Science & Public Policy was held on the 16th of February 2019 at 9.30 a.m. at the Political Science Auditorium, Department of Political Science and Public Policy. Certificates were awarded to the participants of the 6th batch, who successfully […]
Portrait Unveiling in the Department of Humanities Education
The function to unveil the portraits of the former heads of the Department of Humanities Education, Faculty of Education was held on the 14th of February 2019 at the faculty premises. The dean of the faculty Professor Manjula Vithanapthirana was the chief guest and the former heads of department Professor C. Kariyawasam, Professor Daya Rohana Athukorale […]
The Environmental Ceremony and Green Talk Session
The Center for Environmental Initiatives organized an Environmental Ceremony and a Green talk session at the Main Library auditorium on 14th February 2019.
Monthly Seminar, Department of Sociology
The Department of Sociology organized the monthly seminar for the month of February, on Thursday 14th February 2019 from 2.00 p.m. – 3.30 p.m. in the Seminar Room of the Department of Sociology. At this seminar, Dr. Tharindi Udalagama delivered the lecture on “That’s not Love but Greed!: Perspectives on Love and Sex after Marriage”. […]
Human Library
The Library in collaboration with the Faculty of Arts organized a Human Library project for the newcomers on 11th February 2019 at the Main Library. This was held as a part of the orientation programme at the Faculty of Arts. The number of subject experts shared their knowledge and experience with students.
Inauguration of the Orientation Programme (2018/2019) – Faculty of Arts
The Inauguration ceremony of the Orientation Programme for new entrants (2018/2019) to the Faculty of Arts, was held on 07th February 2019. The Vice-Chancellor, Senior Professor Lakshman Dissanayake, Dean-Faculty of Arts Senior Professor Premakumara de Silva were presided over the ceremony. This programme is to be continued up to 14th February with various events.
Environment awareness programme
An Environment awareness programme was organized by the Department of Zoology and Environment Sciences, Faculty of Science in collaboration with the University of Jaffna on 1st February 2019 at the Botany lecture theater to mark the World Wetland Day on 2nd of February 2019. View more photos on Facebook
Champions’ Night 2018
The Annual Colors Awarding Ceremony 2018 was held on 31st of January at Eagles’ Lakeside Banquet & Convention Hall. This glamorous evening was more important than previous years because this was named as the Champions’ Night 2018 as University of Colombo became the champions of Inter-University Games in 2018. Professor Lakshman Dissanayake, the vice chancellor […]
Orientation on Nuclear Security workshop
Orientation on Nuclear Security workshop was held on 25th and 28th of January at the Department of Nuclear Science premises in the presence of the dean Faculty of Science, Professor K. R. Ranjith Mahanama and staff members of the department. View more photos on Facebook
Visit of Executive Vice President of Tsinghua University to the Faculty of Medicine
Professor WANG Xiqin, Executive Vice President of the Tsinghua University, Beijing and a few members of the AUA Secretariat visited the Faculty of Medicine on 25th January 2019 during their visit to Sri Lanka. This delegation met with the Dean of the Faculty, Professor Jennifer Perera, and a few other academic staff members and were […]
MOU with the Tsinghua University, Beijing
University of Colombo and Tsinghua University, Beijing, entered into a memorandum of understanding to enhance resources sharing, on 25th January 2019 at the Senate hall of the University of Colombo. The Acting Librarian, Dr. D C Kuruppu signed on behalf of University of Colombo library while the Director, Dr. WANG Youqiang signed on behalf of […]
15th South Asian Economics Students’ Meet (SAESM)
SAESM is one of the unique platforms which provides young economists in the South Asian region to share their research findings and to present them to a wider audience. The Department of Economics University of Colombo was the chief organizer of this year’s event which was held between 21st of January to 23rd of January […]