Extension and Postgraduate Programme Review Workshop – Faculty of Arts
The Extension and Postgraduate Programme Review Workshop 2019 was held under the patronage of Senior Professor Premakumara De Silva, Dean – Faculty of Arts, on 9th – 10th May 2019, in the Faculty of Arts premises. Professor Vipula B. Yapa, Director, Internal Quality Assurance Unit, University of Colombo and Professor Prasad Sethunga, Director, Internal Quality Assurance Unit, University of Peradeniya were the invited guests and Dr. M. Ganeshmoorthy – Director of Postgraduate Programmes, Heads of Departments, Co-ordinators of Units and Centres and Course Coordinators participated in this workshop.
At present, the Faculty of Arts conducts a large number of Certificate Courses, Diplomas, Postgraduate Diplomas, Masters and MPhil/Ph.D. programmes catering the academic needs a wider range of Sri Lankans as well as foreign scholars. All these programmes have been conducted by various Departments, Centres and Units of the Faculty of Arts and hence there was an urgent need for the Faculty of Arts to streamline the above programmes by setting up common models of concept notes and by-laws for the programmes. This was necessary in order to align all the Programmes conducted by this faculty in line with the Sri Lanka Qualification Framework stipulated by the University Grants Commission.