Seminar on “Participatory Theatre for Reconciliation in Post-war Sri Lanka”
The Department of Sociology will be organizing the monthly seminar for the month of July, on 23rd July 2018 (Monday) from 10.30 a.m. – 12.00 noon. in the Seminar Room of the Department of Sociology. At this seminar, Ms. Mandy Koenraads, will be, delivering the lecture on “Participatory Theatre for Reconciliation in Post-war Sri Lanka”. Mandy Koenraads has completed a postgraduate MSc […]
Annual Inter – Departmental Cricket Tournament – Dean’s Trophy
The Faculty of Arts with collaboration of the students who are following the Sports and Physical Activity Course, will be organizing the inaugural Inter-Departmental Dean’s Trophy Cricket Tournament for Dean’s Trophy, under the patronage of Professor Premakumara de Silva, the Dean – Faculty of Arts. This tournament will be held on 11th July 2018 from 8.00 am onwards at the main university ground. The main objectives of […]
75th Anniversary of ‘Guththila Geethaya’ (ගුත්තිල ගීතය)
A seminar will be held on 12th June 2018, at 09:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in M.B. Ariyapala Auditorium, Department of Sinhala to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of “Guththila Geethaya” (ගුත්තිල ගීතය) authored by Martin Wickramasinghe. This seminar will be organizing by the Department of Sinhala in collaboration with Martin Wickramasinghe Trust. Professor Rev. Agalakada […]
PhD Fellowships from UNITED BOARD
The United Board, a nongovernmental organization, endeavors to respond to the diverse challenges and opportunities facing the universities in Asia, especially where the needs are great. United Board shares its interests in developing institutions that offer multidisciplinary education and that nurture a spirit of compassion, equity, reconciliation, social responsibility, and mutual respect among religious and […]
“Trauma in Diverse Populations of Women and Children: The Need for Culturally Competent Treatment”
The Department of Sociology will be organizing the monthly seminar for the month of May, on 18th May 2018 (Friday) at 2.00 p.m. in the Seminar Room of the Department of Sociology. At this seminar, Associate Prof. Elizabeth Ruiz, Governors State University, University Park, Illinois, will be delivering the lecture on “Trauma in Diverse Populations of Women and Children: The Need for Culturally […]
Dr. Newton Gunasinghe memorial lecture
The Department of Sociology, University of Colombo and the Sociology Alumni Association of University of Colombo, in collaboration with the Social Scientists Association of Sri Lanka have organized the 30th “Dr. Newton Gunasinghe” Memorial Lecture, on the 16th May, 2018 at the Auditorium, Department of Sociology, University of Colombo from 3.00 pm – 4.30 pm. […]
Seminar on Tourism Opportunities in Sri Lanka and International Business
Staff and students from the Lincoln International Business School, Lincoln University, UK participated in a Seminar on Tourism Opportunities in Sri Lanka and International Business at the Department of Economics on 12th February 2018. Participants of the seminar: Rev. Professor W. Wimalarathana, Prof. J.A. Karunaratne (key note speaker) Professor Martin Knight and Professor Pippa Denny-Gelder […]
Awards Ceremony – Extension Courses in English
The Annual Awards Ceremony of the Department of English, Extension Courses in English will take place on Wednesday, 20th December 2017 at 12.30 pm at the New Arts Theatre (NAT), University of Colombo. The Chief Guest for the occasion is Ms. Lakmini Wijesundera, Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Iron One Technologies and BoardPAC. The Vice Chancellor, Registrar, Bursar […]
A Discourse on Contemporary Literature in Sinhala
The Department of Sinhala and Sinhala Society have organized a the Discourse on Contemporary Literature in Sinhala on 4th October 2017,10.00 a.m. at the M. B. Ariyapala Auditorium of the Department of Sinhala.
Screening of “Amara Kaaviyam”
The film ‘Amara Kaaviyam’ will be screened on 15th November 2017, from 1.45 pm onwards at the M. B. Ariyapala Auditorium, Department of Sinhala, and will be followed by a discussion. The event will be organized by the Sinhala Society, Department of Sinhala.