Tree Plantation around the University Ground Premises
Keeping in line with the Sustainable Development Goal(SDG) of Life on Land of the university landscape, under the guidance of the Vice Chancellor, Senior Professor (Chair) H.D. Karunaratne, a project to plant flowering and shade trees around the University of Colombo grounds was held on 26th September at university ground premises. On this occasion, 80 tree plants namely Ehela (Cassia fistula), Rubarosia (Tabebuia Rosea) and Koboleela (Bauhinia purpurea) were planted.
The plantation of these trees was done with the goals of reducing the carbon footprint, purifying air, absorbing harmful gasses, providing oxygen, creating a livable environment for visitors and athletes in the playground, conserving water and reducing soil erosion, lowering the air temperature through the shade, increasing humidity in dry climates through evaporation of moisture, reducing wind speed, reducing noise pollution, creating habitats for wildlife and increasing plant diversity. Rector, Sripalee Campus, Dean, Faculty of Science, Director, UCSC, Registrar, and Deputy Chief Marshals participated in this event. The event is organized by the Curator Office, University of Colombo.