Award ceremony for state Universities: training program on mentoring offered by the academic mentoring program
AMP’s training program on mentoring was offered to all institutions of the University of Colombo, all state Universities (17) and professional colleges in Medicine during 2022 by the Faculty of Medicine, of the University of Colombo. A series of training sessions were conducted during this program with the support of both local experts and overseas collaborators. The program was successfully completed by the nominees from above institutions. As a result, many universities have now established their mentoring programs. A pre-congress workshop on mentoring and an award ceremony were held in conjunction with the Colombo Medical Congress 2002. Certificates were awarded to the participants for successful completion of this program. The event was held on 22nd November 2022 at the Faculty of Medicine.
Professor Sampath Amaratunge, the Chairman of the University Grants Commission graced the occasion as the chief guest. Senior Professor (Chair) H.D. Karunaratne, Vice Chancellor, University of Colombo delivered the keynote address on “The academic progression and University”. Professor Vajira Dissanayake, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Professor Hemali Goonesekara, lead coordinator of workshop series, and Professor Yamuna Siriwardana, the chairperson of AMP too addressed the gathering. Furthermore, the progress made by the universities in establishing mentoring programs was also presented.
A discussion forum on “Taking the mentoring program forward” was conducted by Professor Yamuna Siriwardana and Professor Hemali Goonesekara. An Interactive lecture discussion forum on “Identifying yourself as a mentee: Concepts and benefits” was conducted by Professor Wasantha Gunethunga, Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine & Emeritus Professor Saroj Jayasinghe, Department of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Medicine.
Professor Fiona E Karet, (PhD, FRCP, FMedSci). Professor of Nephrology, Vice-Master, Darwin College. Cambridge Institute for Medical Research, Cambridge Biomedical Campus delivered a lecture on Making the best out of my program: Selecting the right mentors & developing successful relationships. This program was attended by over 60 participants.