4th Undergraduate Research Symposium on Humanities and Social Sciences (URSHSS) 2022
The 4th Undergraduate Research Symposium of Humanities and Social Sciences [URSHSS-2022] of the Faculty of Arts was held on November 24, 2022, with the presence of the Chief Guest, Senior Professor (Chair) H.D. Karunaratne, the Vice Chancellor of the University of Colombo and Guest of Honor, Senior Professor Lasantha Manawadu, Dean Faculty of Arts. The inauguration held at the Faculty boardroom was graced by invited guests and faculty members. The keynote speech was held by Professor Jagath Munasinghe, Professor in Town and Country Planning, University of Moratuwa, on “Knowing and Doing Research with Knowledge.” This year’s symposium was organized by Chair Dr Menik Wakkumbura, Senior Lecturer, of the Department of International Relations, and the Secretary, Mr Migara Karunarathne, Senior Lecturer, of the Department of Demography. The Symposium contained 20 Technical Sessions presenting 89 Abstracts of the undergraduates passing out from the Fourth Year Honours Degree Programmes and Third Year Study Stream Programmes. The Abstracts have been lined up under 13 themes in the fields of Humanities and Social Sciences.
For the first time, the Symposium organizing committee has conducted the ‘Logo Competition’ for undergraduates who are currently studying at the Faculty of Arts. The first three places received certificates at the Symposium Inauguration by the Vice Chancellor, and the winning logo was published in the symposium proceedings and on all of the symposium banners. The Workshop Series parallel to the symposium was held by experts in the research fields. The World Bank’s AHEAD Project has funded this year’s activities in recognition of the Symposium’s success.