The Student & Staff Welfare office is responsible for the welfare of all students enrolled at University of Colombo. It works closely with all administrative and academic departments to assist students to familiarize the environment and achieve their academic goals as well as assist students with the culture and the community. The mission of the division is to provide an enabling environment which aims at quality student services and a range of learning, social, cultural, health and recreational opportunities that facilitate full realization of students’ potential for academic and personal growth and University life.

In addition to these, financial assistance is provided to the needy students in the form of Mahapola Scholarships, Bursary and other scholarships.

It’s a Financial assistance is given to students in the form of Mahapola Scholarships and the University Grants Commission selects the students every academic year who are eligible to receive the Mahapola according to the selection criteria. The selected List of names for each academic year is forwarded to Mahapola Trust Fund to make the payment. Awards are given to students by conducting Awards Ceremony at University /District Levels every year. The scholarships will be cancelled to those who fail to collect the certificates of awards at the awards ceremony.

Mode of Payment

  • According to the Selection List, students are requested to mandate a bank account at the Peoples’ Bank (in any branch) and to give the details of the account to Office of the Dean of each faculty when it is requested by the Student and Staff Welfare Branch.
  • According to the Calendar of Dates, for each month, the signature sheets of the recipients are sent to the Mahapola Trust Fund.
  • Payments are made in 10 instalments per academic year. General Degree, Special Degree and Medical Degree students receive 30, 40 and 50 instalments respectively in their entire undergraduate career.
  • A student receives from the Mahapola Trust Fund a sum of Rs.2,200/- or Rs.2,150/- per instalment as merit and ordinary scholarship respectively. In addition, a student is paid Rs.350/- per instalment by the University Grants Commission. Therefore, a student receives in total, a sum of Rs.2,550/- or Rs.2,500/- per instalment as merit and ordinary scholarship respectively.
  • These payments are made for all faculties through the bank by crediting to their accounts every month only for the students who signed the signature sheet of the Mahapola Payment. Those who did not sign the signature sheets for two consecutive months, the Mahapola Payment will be suspended by the Mahapola Trust Fund.

Bursary is a financial assistance given to needy students. An Application for Bursary is issued to all freshers selected to the University of Colombo along with the registration forms. The students should furnish the information with the relevant documents related to the details requested and submit the duly perfected application to the GramaNiladhari of the Division.

After certifying the details, the application will be forwarded to get counter signed by the Divisional Secretary and forward the same to the University by Registered Post. Transferred Students are requested to instruct the earlier University to forward their bursary applications to this University. No duplicate applications are issued except for a loss of an application.

Mode of Payment

  • After processing the applications, acceptance letter along with a form is issued to the students who are eligible to receive the Bursary according to the Selection Criteria and requested to submit the completed attached form where People’s bank savings account details of a student is requested to make the payment of Bursary through the bank.
  • Students are selected for full or half Bursary according to the marking scheme of the bursary. A student selected for full bursary receives Rs.2,000/- and a student selected for half bursary receives Rs.1,900/- per instalment. University Grants Commission releases the fund for Bursary.
  • Payments are made in 10 instalments per academic year. General Degree, Special Degree and Medical Degree students receive 30, 40 and 50 instalments respectively in their entire undergraduate career.
  • If any bursary recipient is selected for Mahapola Scholarship (as selection for Mahapola Scholarship will commence after a few months of the commencement of academic year) his/her bursary payment is discontinued and Mahapola payment will be started. He/she has no claim to request bursary in future under any circumstance.
  • A list of rejected students is available at the Student and Staff Welfare Branch and studentscan verify and appeal with proof of changes in the income (retirement, death, pension etc. of parents/guardian)

University Grants Commission

Applications for the following scholarships are invited by the University Grants Commission for every academic year. Please kindly refer the UGC website.

  • Endowed Scholarship
  • Tsunami Scholarship
  • Mitsubishi Corporation International

Ministry of Higher Education

Applications for the following scholarship are invited by the Ministry of Higher Education.

  • P O H Scholarship

Department of Public Trustee (DPT)

Applications could be obtained from the Student & Staff Welfare Branch and the Dean’s Office of each faculty when the notice received by the University from the Department of Public Trustee (DPT) for each year.

  • C R J Scholarship
  • Rupasinghe Scholarship
  • H B Herath Scholarship(Only for a student of Medicine or Arts from Kurunegala District.)

Applications for the following scholarships could be obtained from relevant institutions.

  • Education Employees Cooperative Thrift & Credit Society Ltd. (EECTCS)
  • Watawala Plantation
  • Petroleum Corporation
  • Sri Lanka Ports Authority
  • Commercial Bank of Ceylon
  • Government Officers’ Benefit Association
  • Colombo Youth Buddhists Association
  • Sri Lanka Police Central Welfare Council Benefit Scheme


The University provides hostel accommodation for its undergraduate students for their whole academic career under the selection criteria. Presently, the University is managing seven (07) hostels on its own and three (06) rented out houses.  Read more…


The Student and Staff Welfare Branch of the University conducts the elections under the guidance of the Deans of the respective Faculties. The Commission considered the request of CVCD and agreed with the CVCD proposal to hold the Students’ Union Elections at the end of each academic year. Accordingly, elections are conducted at the end of each academic year. Each Faculty decides the dates for receiving nominations and holding elections and informs the Student and Staff Welfare Branch. The relevant Notices and Letters are prepared and forward to each faculty at their request to hold an election according to the Students’ Union By-Laws No.1 of 1989.

List of Unions

  • University Student Union
  • Arts Faculty Student Union
  • Science Faculty Student Union
  • Medical Faculty Student Union
  • Education Faculty Student Union
  • Law Faculty Student Union
  • Management Faculty Student Union


In terms of Sections 115 and 116 of the Universities Act No.16 of 1978, as amended the recognition of Student Societies and other Associations of students in the University shall be made with the approval of the Council. During the year under review, twenty-six (26) such Students’ Societies and other Associations used functioning in the University.

Steps to form a Students’ Society

  • A Senior Treasurer would be appointed to every Student Society on the recommendation of the Dean and Head of the Department concerned (where relevant)with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor.
  • The Constitution and the proposal with regard to the formation of a society should be recommended by the Senior Student Counsellor.
  • The proposed constitution would be tabled before the Deans Committee when they are received with the observation of the Dean and the Faculty Board of the respective Faculty where the society has an operational link. The Constitution shall be approved by the Council.
  • If the society is not limited in its scope to a particular Faculty or Department, the membership should be open to all students of the University of Colombo.

Student Societies

  • Science Society
  • Medical Students Hindu Society
  • Medical Students Welfare Society
  • Computer Science Society
  • Stat Circle Student Society
  • Tamil Society
  • History Society
  • Sociology Student Society
  • Botanical Society
  • Chemical Society
  • Physics Society
  • Core Group for Disaster Relief, Faculty of Medicine
  • Muslim Majlis Student Society
  • Medical Students Buddhist Society
  • Eksath Bikku Sangamaya
  • University of Colombo Christian Fellowship
  • Association of Wild Life & Photography Stu. Society, Faculty of Medicine
  • Knowledge Circle, Faculty of Medicine
  • Epsilon-Delta Society
  • Buddhist Brotherhood Society
  • Art Society, Faculty of Medicine
  • Gaveshakayo
  • The Moor Court & Debating Society
  • Sinhala Sangamaya
  • Catholic Students’ Society
  • Hindu Society


The main Objectives are Promoting cultural, aesthetic and related activities among the University students and the staff, Fostering the Appreciation of Art in different forms, styles and ways within the University Community, Providing artistic activities and intellectual knowledge to the University Community at concession rates and the Senior Assistant Registrar/ Student and Staff Welfare are the ex-official Secretary and the Treasurer of the Arts Council.


Canteen tenders are invited by open advertisement. According to the Tender conditions, an eligible Organization /Person will be awarded the contract for a period of One Year with a probationary period of 3 months. The main purpose of the above service is, to provide fresh/ quality food/ milk/ soft & cool drinks and other essential items for the students as well as the staff at concession rates.

Canteens Locations

  • College House Premises
  • Faculty of Science
  • Faculty of Arts
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of Management & Finance
  • Faculty of Medicine
  • Havelock Students’ Hostel
  • Bullers Students’ Hostel
  • Kithyakara Students’ Hostel
  • De Saram (new) Students’ Hostel
  • Muttiah Students’ Hostel
  • Blomfontein Students’ Hostel

Milk Bars Locations

  • New Arts Theatre/ Faculty of Science
  • Faculty of Arts

Photocopying Services Tenders are invited by open advertisement. According to the Tender conditions, an eligible Organization /Person will be awarded the contract for a period of One Year with a probationary period of 3 months. The tender may be extended for a further period on the recommendation of the relevant faculty considering the satisfactory service.

Photocopying Centres

  • Science Faculty
  • Science Library
  • Main Library
  • Faculty of Arts Phase I
  • Faculty of Arts Phase II
  • Faculty of Management & Finance
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of Education
  • Faculty of Medicine

Season Tickets at concession rates for Students to be used for the train services and public transport operated by Sri Lanka Transport Board are issued only for a limited distance.

Hostellers are not issued with season tickets.


Senior Assistant Registrar,
College House, 94,
Cumaratunga Munidasa Mawatha,
Colombo 03.

Tel/Fax: +94 112582336 | Ext: 7035