Ministry of Agriculture signs an MoU with the Department of Agricultural Technology
The Ministry of Agriculture, Western Province signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Department of Agricultural Technology, Faculty of Technology to conduct a farm practices programme for Agricultural Technology undergraduates of the Faculty of Technology. The MoU was signed on 21st February 2023 at the University by Senior Professor (Chair) H.D. Karunaratne, the Vice Chancellor of the University, and Mr Chandana Ranaweera Arachchi, Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, Western Province.
The officials from the Ministry, Mrs Ayesha Gunawardane, Provincial Director of Agriculture, Western Province and Mr Y.K Bamunuarachchi, Assistant Provincial Director of Agriculture, District Agriculture Training Center, Gabadawatte, Homagama, witnessed the signing of the agreement while Senior Professor J.K.D.S. Jayanetti, Dean Faculty of Technology and Dr Jayani J. Wewalwela, Head, Department of Agricultural Technology witnessed the signing of the agreement from the University of Colombo.
The event was coordinated and organized by Dr Aruna Kumara, Senior Lecturer, Department of Agricultural Technology, Faculty of Technology. The MoU also marks the first time the Ministry of Agriculture signed an MoU with the University. The Ministry of Agriculture has had a longstanding tradition of focusing on talent development and uplifting agriculture practices and research to improve society. This MoU represents a long-felt need where two institutes combined to work towards blending modern technologies with agricultural practices and providing real-world exposure to Agricultural Technology undergraduates. During this programme, the undergraduates will be gaining theoretical knowledge as well as much-valued hands-on experience and training in on-farm practices. The courses pertaining to farm practices include pest and Disease Management, Agricultural Instrumentation & Farm Machinery, Weeds and Weed Management, Production Technologies of Field Crops, Vegetables & Fruit Crops, Practices in Agricultural Engineering and Practical Livestock Production. This programme is scheduled to be conducted at the District Agricultural Training Centre, Provincial Department of Agriculture, Gabadawatta, Homagama, Western Province, Sri Lanka as a collaborative academic programme.