General Convocation 2020
The General Convocation 2020 of the University of Colombo was held on 23rd & 24th of July, 2022 at the Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall under the patronage of the Vice Chancellor, Senior Professor (Chair) H.D. Karunaratne with the Registrar, Bursar, Acting Librarian, Deputy registrar Examinations and the team of officers in attendance by adhering to the prescribed health and safety guidelines. 2720 students graduated for this year in various study disciplines including Medicine, Science, Law, Arts, Management, ICT, Agro Technology and Rural Sciences, Education, Labour Education, Mass Media, Performing Arts and Indigenous Medicine at this event in the presence of the Rector, Sri Palee Campus, Deans of the Faculties, Directors of Institutes and members of the Academic Staff.
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Day 01 – Session I | Session II | Session III
Day 02 – Session I | Session II | Session III
Media Courtesy: Fos Media