Colours Awarding Ceremony 2023 – Faculty of Medicine
The Colours Awarding Ceremony of the Faculty of Medicine was held successfully on the 9th of September, 2023 at the Faculty Auditorium. Dr B J C Perera, Specialist Consultant Paediatrician and Honorary Senior Fellow, Postgraduate Institute of Medicine, University of Colombo graced this occasion as the chief guest for the day. Professor Vidya Jothi Vajira H W Dissanayake, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Vidyajoti Emeritus Professor Rohan Jayasekara, former dean of the Faculty of Medicine and patron of the Faculty of Medicine Sports Association, Professor Indika Karunarathne, Senior Treasurer, Faculty of Medicine Sports Association (FMSA), Professor S P Lamabadusuriya, the President of the Colombo Medical School Alumni Association, Deshamanya Professor A H Sheriffdeen, Professor of Surgery, Professor Chathuranga Ranasinghe, the Director of the Centre for Sport and Exercise Medicine, Mr H M W G P R A Bandara, the Deputy Registrar of the Faculty of Medicine and Mr Himanka Harun, the President of the Medical Faculty Students Union graced this occasion as honorary guests. Also in attendance was Dr Lalith Mendis, Founding Director of the Empathic Learning Centre, Mr P A Nandasena Chief Operating Officer, Textrip (Pvt) Ltd., and Mrs Sumathi Subramaniyam Manager of Hatton National Bank, Wellawatte branch.
The event unfolded with the lighting of the oil lamp and the welcome address which was delivered by the president of the FMSA, Disala Sandaruwan. The Colours were awarded to the young sporting stars of the faculty by the esteemed guests. The Professor Rohan Jayasekara Challenge Trophy was awarded to the winners of Med Fest, the Inter-Batch sports tournament. It was presented by Emeritus Professor Vidyajoti Rohan Jayasekara to the 2018 AL batch. Professor Vajira Dissanayake and Professor Indika Karunarathne addressed the gathering highlighting the importance of sports for a balanced life and congratulating the participants on their achievements.
Dr. B. J. C. Perera delivered the keynote speech and presented the Special Awards to the most exceptional stars of the night. Hasindu Arumapperuma, Upuli Edirisinghe, Aberame Thevapalan, Minul Doluweera and Prasadini Dikwella were awarded special awards for their national and international achievements in the sporting arena bringing pride and glory to the Faculty of Medicine. The sportsman winning the most number of Faculty Colours was awarded to C L Warnakulasooriya and the sportswoman winning the most number of Faculty Colours was awarded jointly to Keerthana Varatharajan, B M H M Singhakumara and A A N N Perera.
The most outstanding sportsperson of the Faculty for the year 2022 was awarded to Prasadini Dickwella for her outstanding achievements. The night concluded with the vote of thanks which was delivered by the secretary of the FMSA, Shelni Wijesekara.