Author: University of Colombo University of Colombo


Pattern of immunogenicity in domestic dogs following primary and subsequent booster vaccination against rabies

The pattern of immunogenicity in domestic dogs following primary and subsequent booster vaccination against rabies in the Dehiwala Municipality area. Considering the recommendation made by NSF and the revised canine anti-rabies vaccination protocol, this project was planned to study immunogenicity in a group with a single vaccination and a group with a booster vaccination at […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | News . Research News

Product launch with Hemas Manufacturing

    Tuesday, 10th October 2017 Colombo: Addressing the urgent need for a safe, natural and effective lotion that protects users from mosquitoes without irritating the skin, Hemas Manufacturing (Pvt) Ltd in collaboration with Colombo Science and Technology Cell, University of Colombo is pleased to launch Mosguard in a non-sticky and synthetic insect repellent free […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | News

Determination of effects of venom on renal function using in vivo and in vitro models

Determination of effects of venom of Russell’s viper (Vipera russelli pulchella), cobra (Naja naja) and hump-nosed viper (Hypnale hypnale) on renal function using in vivo and in vitro models. Animal models such as rats and rabbits were used to study the pathophysiology of renal effects of venoms using isolated rabbit kidney models kidney slice models […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | News . Ranking News

Asia Pacific Regional Director of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), visited University of Colombo

The newly appointed Asia Pacific Regional Director of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Mr. Bjorn Andersson visited University of Colombo on 6th October 2017.  During the visit, Mr. Anderson met Professor Lakshman Dissanayake, Vice-Chancellor, University of Colombo, Professor Nelufer de Mel; Head, Department of English, Dr. Pavithra Kailasapathy; Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Management and […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | International Office . News

Dr. Vinay Sahasrabuddhe; National Vice President, BJP, India visited University of Colombo

Hon. MP, Dr. Vinay Sahasrabuddhe; National Vice President, BJP, India visited University of Colombo on 6th October 2017. During the visit, Dr. Sahasrabuddhe met Prof. Lakshman Dissanayake; Vice-Chancellor, University of Colombo, Professor Nayani Melegoda; Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies, and Prof Sandagomi Coperahewa; Director, Centre for Contemporary Indian Studies.  

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | International Office . News

A Discourse on Contemporary Literature in Sinhala

The Department of Sinhala and Sinhala Society organized a the Discourse on Contemporary Literature in Sinhala on 4th October 2017, 10.00 a.m. at the M. B. Ariyapala Auditorium of the Department of Sinhala. Mr. Keerthi Welisarage (Best Novel), Mr. Prbhath Jayasinghe (Best Short Stories) and Mr. Lakshantha Athukorala (Best Poetry Collection) who have received the Best Awards in the State […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | News

Tourism Leaders’ Summit & International Tourism Research Symposium – Year 2017

The Tourism Leaders’ Summit & International Tourism Research Symposium – Year 2017, organized by the Department of Economics, Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo with the Alumni Association of Tourism Economics and Hospitality Management (AATEHM), Department of Economics, in partnering with the Ministry of Tourism Development and Christian Religious Affairs were held on 3rd and […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | News

The Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony for New Building of the Department of Statistics

The foundation stone for the new statistic department building of Faculty of Science, University of Colombo was laid in the faculty premises on 2nd of October 2017, at the auspicious time soon after 10.00 a.m., with the blessings of priests of different religions lead by venerable maha Sanga. The chancellor of the University of Colombo […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | News . Science

The inaugural Sociology Head’s Forum

The inaugural Sociology Head’s Forum was held on the 29th September 2017 at the Seminar Room, Department of Sociology, University of Colombo with the participation of all the heads of departments or their representatives. The following members were represented in this historical gathering to discuss the matters relating to the field of Sociology and anthropology.   Prof. Premakumara de Silva (University of Colombo, Convener), […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | News

International Research Symposium on English Language Studies – 28th September

International Research Symposium on English Language Studies – 2017 English as a Second Language: Knowledge, Learning and Production Symposium date: 28th and 29th September 2017 Venue: University of Colombo With the rise of English as a global lingua franca, the field of second language studies has become enriched with innovative, reflective and rigorous research aimed […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | News . Research Symposium

Signing of Accelerate Agreement with Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)

There was a recent addition to the MOU between University of Colombo and Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) with the signing of the Accelerate Agreement on 19th September 2017 by Vice Chancellor of University of Colombo, Senior Professor Lakshman Dissanayake and ACCA Sri Lanka Head Ms.Nilusha Ranasinghe. The Bachelor of Business Administration Degree Programme […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | MoU . News

17 undergraduates of University of Colombo receive Mitsubishi UFJ Foundation Scholarship

Under the MoU signed between University of Colombo and Mitsubishi UFJ Foundation, 17 scholarships (an allowance of 300 USD per student) of 5100 USD were awarded to selected 17 undergraduate students of University of Colombo by Mitsubishi UFJ Foundation based on the academic merits of the students. The scholarship awarding ceremony will be held on […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | News

Opening of the Newly Renovated Laboratory of the Department of Zoology and Environmental Science that holds its Prestige as the Oldest Laboratory in the University System of Sri Lanka

The opening ceremony of the newly renovated laboratory for Undergraduate studies of the department of Zoology and Environmental Science was held on the 18th September 2017.

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | News

A High-Profile Education delegation from Yunnan Province, China visited University of Colombo

A High-Profile Education delegation led by H.E. Mr. Li Xiaosan; Member of the Standing Committee & Head of the Organization Department, CPC Yunnan Provincial Committee visited University of Colombo on 18th September 2017 and met Professor Lakshman Dissanayake; Vice-Chancellor and senior academics of University of Colombo. The purpose of this visit was to strengthen the […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | International Office . News

Strengthening Tech Transfer activities at the University of Colombo with WIPO support

One day workshop was conducted by two consultants from the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) on September 14th 2017 at the Senate Hall, University of Colombo under the guidance of Prof. Lakshman Dissanayake, the Vice Chancellor of the University of Colombo in order to facilitate the Tech Transfer activities at the University. Dr. Richard Cahoon […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | News

Professor Indran Indrakrishnan honoured by Georgia Senate

Recently, the Georgia Senate (USA) honoured Prof Indran Indrakrishnan, a graduate from Colombo Medical Faculty through its bipartisan resolution unanimously passed by the senators at the state assembly. No other physician has received such a distinguished recognition in the history of Georgia Senate. Prof Indrakrishnan was honoured for his exceptional work in treating and raising awareness on colon […]

By University of Colombo University of Colombo | News