24th Annual General Meeting of the MBA Alumni Association
The Colombo University MBA Alumni Association recently held its 24th Annual General Meeting with Boshan Dayaratne installed as the 25th President, succeeding Ranga Ratnayake following completion of his one-year term. Chief Guest at the hybrid event was Dialog Axiata Plc Group CEO Supun Weerasinghe and the Guest of Honour was University of Colombo Vice Chancellor Professor Chandrika N Wijeyaratne who is also Patron of the Association.
The MBA Alumni Association of University of Colombo is an active body with a membership base of around 700 plus members from diverse professional and academic fields. It carries out events of national importance bringing together academia, corporates and the public sector. The annual budget seminars organised by the MBA Alumni Association in partnership with the Daily FT have been well regarded by the corporate community in Sri Lanka.
Newly-elected President Boshan Dayaratne in his acceptance speech said he was both honoured and humbled to stand before members as the 25th President of the Association.

Professor Chandrika N. Wijeratne
Vice Chancellor – University of Colombo

Boshan Dayaratne
President – MBA Alumni

Ranga Ratnayake
Immediate Past President – MBA Alumni
Read the full article: https://www.ft.lk/hr/Colombo-Uni-MBA-Alumni-Association-elects-Boshan-Dayaratne-as-new-President/47-721307
Images and the Text Courtesy: www.ft.lk
Pictures by Upul Abayasekara