Webinar on Climate Change and its impact on Sri Lanka
Department of Geography organized a webinar on Climate Change and Its Impact on 20th May 2021. Mr. Sarath Premalal, – former Director General, Meteorological Department, Sri Lanka, Dr. Senaka Basnayake – Director, Climate Resilience Unit, Asian Disaster Preparedness Centre, Bangkok, Dr. B. V. R. Punyawardhane – former Director, Meteorology Division, Natural Resource Management Centre, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, Dr. (Ms) Savithri Ranasinghe – Senior Lecturer, Department of Geography, Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka and Dr. Gamini Jayathissa – Director, Landslide Research and Risk Management Division, National Building Research Organisation., Sri Lanka participated as main resource persons.
Mr. Sarath Premalal who was the first speaker of the webinar talked about the ‘Climate Change and its Extremes’ and Dr. Senaka Basnayake delivered his lecture on ‘Regional Perspective on Floods and Drought’. The third speaker, Dr. B. V. R. Punyawardhane focused his talk on ‘Climate Change and its impact on Sri Lankan Agriculture while Dr. Savithri Ranasinghe, conducted her lecture in ‘Relationship between ENSO phenomenon and Seasonal Rainfall’. The last speaker of the webinar, Dr. Gamini Jayathissa pointed out the ‘Climate Change and Landslide Disaster in Sri Lanka’. The time of each lecture was limited to 20-30 minutes followed by a Q and A session.
There were more than 60 participants including professionals, students, and other interested parties for this webinar. The post-webinar comments revealed that the webinar was an interesting and innovative one with lots of study materials.