Vice-Chancellor’s message – COVID-19 Outbreak Notices
My dear Students,
I convey my very best wishes to our senior students who sit the re-scheduled examinations commencing Monday 29th June 2020. We are so happy to have our young members on site. I seek your best attention to the health and safety rules put in place, as per Government and Ministry of Health regulations, and detailed by Dr. Wasudewa (UMO) and his able team. Your adherence with hand washing, wearing masks and staying a meter apart will be much appreciated.
I am most grateful to Mr. KAS Edward our Registrar and his committed leads in General Administration and Student Welfare, for their careful preparation of hostels, canteen facilities and the university premises for you. The Examinations Division has coordinated the preparation of your Halls of Examination, while ensuring social distancing.
I am certain that you will be able to give your best shot at achieving your long-held career options and dreams. Best of Luck!
The Colombo Municipal Council helped us clear all dengue breeding sites. On Friday the 26th June, Sarasavi Mithuro (UoC Graduates Association) volunteered to sanitize the entire premises of the UoC and hostels in conjunction with the Sri Lanka Police – who used water cannons and bowsers, to eliminate the risk of killer viruses and safeguard our students!
The Confucius Centre donated us many thousands of masks, while a member of Council arranged a donation of sanitizers. I am very grateful to them all for helping us to ensure you have the best of facilities.
To the students who are still learning from home, I appreciate your sustained commitment to access online teaching-learning. I know that you have been ably supported by your teachers, IT staff and the administrative staff to help overcome the problems you faced with internet access and data costs. I wish to commend you all, for ensuring that the UoC remains the frontrunner in online learning within our state university system. Many congratulations!
In alignment with our collective pledge that ‘no student will be left behind’, I am extremely grateful to our Alumni (MBA Alumni, NSW Alumni and Alumni Association), based locally and overseas, who so readily responded to our call for help. They supported UoC with generous donations to help purchase tablets and internet access equipment to collectively benefit nearly 600 of our own students. In terms of the limited number of tablets we purchased, I am happy that the recipient students have assured us that they will return them upon completion of their studies, to ensure that their juniors will benefit. Our alumni and well-wishers have taught us an important lesson – never forget your University!
Take care and stay safe!
Yours truly,
Chandrika Wijeyaratne
UPDATED: 23:01