Notice to all Staff – University Functions Without Interruption
This is further to my previous letters dated 28.04.2021 on ‘Reporting to work of University staff‘ & 03.05.2021 on ‘‘Administrative functioning and activities of the University of Colombo‘ and the decisions taken at the Special meeting held on 10th May 2021 with officials of the University.
Please adhere with the following instructions.
- In line with the directions depicted in the Public Administration Circular: 02/2021(II) dated 10th May 2021 we have amended the first paragraph of my letter dated 28.04.2021 as each Head of Department/Branch/Unit is authorized (in consultation with Rector/Dean/Director/Registrar/acting Librarian/Bursar) to decide the minimum number of staff required on-site according to a roster and ensure the continued functioning of every Department/Branch.
- It is advisable to display the roster on the Notice Board of the Department Web along with their contact details for the information of all stakeholders.
- All Employees should be prepared to “Work Online from Home” (WOFH) even on the days on which the employee is not summoned for duty as per the duty roster.
- Pregnant employees should not be summoned for onsite work and be allowed to WOFH and be instructed to maintain a google form.
- The respective Head of the Department/Branch/Unit will be responsible to ensure essential services without interruption with a skeleton staff and to deploy the required number of personnel for urgent work while adhering to health and safety guidelines.
- Other terms and conditions are given in my previous letters dated 28.04.2021 and 03.05.2021 remain unchanged.
Senior Professor Chandrika N. Wijeyaratne
UPDATED: 22:51