The inaugural Sociology Head’s Forum
The inaugural Sociology Head’s Forum was held on the 29th September 2017 at the Seminar Room, Department of Sociology, University of Colombo with the participation of all the heads of departments or their representatives.
The following members were represented in this historical gathering to discuss the matters relating to the field of Sociology and anthropology. Prof. Premakumara de Silva (University of Colombo, Convener), Dr. R.M. Abey Rathnayake (University of Peradeniya). Dr. Rameez (South Eastern University), Dr. Sarath Ananda (University of Sabaragamuwa), Dr. Bahirathy Rasanen – via Skype (University of Jaffna), Mr. G. Thillainathan (Eastern University, Sri Lanka), Prof. Wasantha Subasinghe (Representative- University of Kelaniya), Dr. Harini Amarasuriya (Representative- The Open University of Sri Lanka), Mr. W.M. Danapala (Representative- University of Sri Jayawardhanapura) and Mr. Samitha Udayanga (Representative- University of Ruhuna). Dean Arts, Prof. Athula Ranasinge also addressed the Forum. The event was coordinated by Ms. Sumudu Wijesooriya and Ms. Avanka Fernando from the Department of Sociology, University of Colombo.