NILIS Recognizes 457 Awardees at Diploma Awards Ceremony 2023
The National Institute of Library and Information Sciences (NILIS) held its Diploma Award Ceremony on 15th July 2023 at the New Arts Theatre of the University. The event was held under the patronage of the Vice Chancellor, Senior Professor (Chair) H.D. Karunaratne. During the NILIS Diploma Awards Ceremony 2023, 48 awardees received their Higher Diploma in Library and Information Management, while 409 awardees received their Diplomas in School Librarianship, Public Librarianship, and Library and Information Management in two separate sessions.
This year’s grand event holds special significance for NILIS as it commemorates twenty years of offering Library and Information Science education in Sri Lanka, under the auspices of the University of Colombo. The occasion was graced by the presence of distinguished individuals, including the Registrar, Mr. K.A.S. Edward, the Director of NILIS, Dr KGPG Wijethunga, the Acting Librarian, Mrs HMD Sajeewanie D Somaratna, and other esteemed staff members of the university.