Fostering Academic Excellence: Launching Eight Journals of the Faculty of Arts
The launching of eight journals, published by the different departments of the Faculty of Arts was held on the 13th of February 2024 at the Faculty of Arts premises. This significant event brought together many esteemed figures including the Vice-Chancellor, Senior Professor (Chair) H. D. Karunaratne, the Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Senior Professor L. Manawadu, heads of Departments, editors of the journals, authors, and other distinguished academic luminaries.
Three of these journals stand as a representation of faculty-level scholarship, showcasing the expertise and dedication of our faculty members. Complementing the above are five department and unit-level journals, each serving as a beacon of excellence within their specialized field. This collaborative effort has borne fruit in the form of 43 scholarly articles, submitted by both local and international scholars. This diverse array of perspectives and insights enriche scholarly discourse and fosters global exchange of knowledge. The launch of these journals signifies an important milestone for the Departments of Demography and Geography and the Sustainable Tourism Unit. Further, the journal Kolompu (Tamil), unveil their inaugural issues, marking a pivotal moment in their academic trajectory.
The official launch of the journal involved the presentation of its printed copies to the Vice-Chancellor and the Dean of the Faculty of Arts. The editors of the journals are Senior Professor Sandagomee Coparahewa (Kolamba) the Sinhala journal of the Faculty of Arts, Dr Kumudika Boyagoda (The Demographer” from the Department of Demography), Professor S. P. Premaratne (Colombo Economic Journal from the Department of Economics), Dr Sandamali Wijeratne (Colombo Geographer from the Department of Geography), Dr Maneesha S. Wanasinghe-Pasqual (Sri Lanka Journal of International Relations from the Department of International Relations, and Professors D. A. C. Silva and Emeritus Professor Sarath Kotagama (International Journal of Sustainable Tourism from the Sustainable Tourism Unit). Additionally, during the online launch, “Kolumbu,” the Tamil journal of the Faculty of Arts (edited by Professor Fareena Ruzalk), and “Colombo Arts,” the English journal of the Faculty of Arts (edited by Dr Ananda Karunarathne), were unveiled; the digital versions marked a significant step towards wider accessibility and dissemination of academic research.
Following the official unveiling, Senior Professor Sirimal Abeyratne delivered an illuminating speech, providing valuable insights into the content, significance, and future directions of the journals, setting the stage for continued academic excellence. The collective endeavour represented by these eight journals, available in both print and digital formats, epitomizes the culmination of extensive scholarly pursuits among our academic community.