JICA Chair Program 2023/24: Session on Competition Law & Policy in Japan
The JICA Chair Program 2023/24 at the University of Colombo hosted its sixth session, ‘Competition Law and Policy in Japan,’ at the Faculty of Management & Finance Auditorium on February 6th, 2024. The event was graced by Mr Hiroki Inou, the Second Secretary of the Embassy of Japan in Sri Lanka and esteemed personnel from JICA. From the University of Colombo the Vice Chancellor, Senior Professor (Chair) H.D. Karunaratne, the Dean of the Faculty of Management & Finance, Professor H.M. Nihal Hennayake, Heads of departments along with academic and administrative staff members and students of the JICA Chair Program 2023/24 participated at the event. Staff and students from the University of Peradeniya joined the event virtually.
The Vice Chancellor delivered the opening address. This was followed by an address by the Second Secretary of the Embassy of Japan in Sri Lanka. Ms Yuri Ide, Senior Representative of the JICA Sri Lanka spoke next on the collaborative projects and future directions of JICA in Sri Lanka.
The program’s highlight was the informative lecture by Professor Iwakazu Takahashi, Emeritus Professor, Meiji University, on ‘Competition policy and law in Japan’. The talk comprehensively explored the history, current status and international context of this dynamic topic. It was followed by an interesting Q&A session moderated by Professor Priyanga Dunusinghe, Head of the Department of IT, Faculty of Arts. The participants engaged in a lively discourse with Professor Takahashi during this session. After that, Dr Panduka Neluwala, Former Director of Sri Lanka Japan Study Centre, University of Peradeniya addressed the gathering virtually. The vote of thanks was delivered by Dr Iroja Caldera, the Acting Director of the International Office, and she appreciated all those who contributed to the JICA Chair Program 2023/24.
More Photos: FOS Media