King Prajadhipok’s Institute visited University of Colombo
Students of King Prajadhipok’s Institute on Development on Democracy and Governance visited the FGS, University of Colombo on September 11, 2018. The Faculty Dean, Senior Professor Nayani Melegoda and Senior Lecturer in International Relations, Chaminda Padmakumara made a presentations on Sri Lanka’s Reconciliation and Sustainable Peace Building.
The Delegation from Thailand was comprised of Deputy Secretary of the Supreme Court, Thailand; Prison Commander, Dean – Faculty of Liberal Arts and Management Science, Kasetsart University; Deputy Director of Pranangklao Hospital; Director of Personal Division of Department of Livestock Development; Associate Dean for Administration, Burapa University; Assistant Dean for International Relation, Faculty of Medicine, Ramthibodi Hospital, Secretary of the Committee on Social Affairs, National Legislative Assembly were among the 48 delegates in additions to many CEO’s of Private Sector Companies. They visited the FGS as part training for the Advanced Certificate on Promotion of Peaceful Society.