International recognition for research
Volume 2, Number 1, January-2009
The IBMBB researchers won an excellent poster award at the 9th International Congress on Cell Biology and the 20 Annual meeting of the Korean Society for Molecular and Cellular Biology held in Seoul, South Korea in October 2008 for the paper titled “The – 2548 G/A polymorphism in the human leptin gene promoter region is associated with plasma leptin levels; Interaction with pre-eclampsia / pregnancy induced hypertension” authored by B.H.K.R.Sugathadasa, K.H.Tennekoon, E.H.Karunanayake, J.M.Kumarasiri and A.P.D.S Wijesundera. Poster was presented by Mr. Rohan Sugathadasa MPhil/PhD student of the IBMBB.
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