Haritha Sri Palee: Towards the Sustainable Future
The Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Committee of Sri Palee Campus organized a Tree-Planting program on 3rd October 2023, at the Campus premises with the participation of Senior Professor (Chair) H.D. Karunaratne, the Vice-Chancellor of the University as the Chief Guest. The goal of this program was to enhance the plants and biodiversity on the Campus by planting 250 native fruit and herbal plants at the Campus premises. During the event, the digitalization of the tree inventory at the Sri Palee Campus was officially launched by the Vice-Chancellor and Dr Prathibha Mahanamahewa, the Rector of the Sri Palee Campus.
The campus maintains a steadfast commitment to aligning its activities with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) outlined by the United Nations. Our primary goal is to actively contribute to the attainment of these vital global objectives. Specifically, our program was dedicated to achieving SDG Goal No. 15 – Life on Land, focusing on the preservation and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems and biodiversity. Additionally, we are equally dedicated to SDG Goal No. 13 – Climate Action, where we actively work towards mitigating climate change and its adverse effects. By focusing our efforts on these two crucial SDGs, we aim to make a meaningful impact in safeguarding the environment and fostering a more sustainable future for all.
To enhance the significance of this event, several private organizations, including Sampath Bank PLC, Unilever Sri Lanka Limited, Sathmina Constructions, and Sunquick Lanka Pvt Ltd, extended their support and collaborated actively. They actively participated in this programme and engaged with the tree planting activities within the Campus premises.
Nearly 100 other students including the students of the SDG Committee and staff members participated at this event. Their active participation not only made this event a success but also raised awareness of sustainable development among the participants. As a concluding gesture, each distinguished guest was presented with a ‘Beli’ plant, symbolizing the continuation of this event’s impact. They were encouraged to plant these ‘Beli’ plants at their homes or workplaces, extending the spirit of sustainability further beyond the Campus.