‘Gee Laalasa’ Sambhashana Sandyawa 2023
‘Gee Laalasa’ Sambhashana Sandyawa was held on Wednesday, the 16th of August 2023, at the New Art Auditorium, starting from 3:00 p.m. The event aimed to nurture artistic inspiration and literary appreciation among university students, with a particular emphasis on the fusion of literature and music infused with artistic value. The event featured twenty classical songs performed by Ms Lakmini Udawatta and Mr Suneera Sumanga, with interpretations of each song delivered by Senior Professor Samantha Herath.
The event was organized by the Department of Communication and Creative Arts in collaboration with the Arts Council of the University and the Department of Cultural Affairs. The Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Senior Professor Lasantha Manawadu, the President of the Arts Council, Senior Professor M.T.M. Mahees, along many distinguished guests, graced the event with their presence. A large gathering of staff members and students came together to enjoy this enchanting evening.
More Photos: FOS Media