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Dean’s Awards Ceremony (පීඨාධිපති සම්මාන ප්‍රදානෝත්සවය)


The Department of Sinhala and the Faculty of Arts will be organizing the Dean’s Awards Ceremony (පීඨාධිපති සම්මාන ප්‍රදානෝත්සවය)on 13th of December 2017 at 2.00 pm, at the New Arts Theatre, University of Colombo.  Professor Athula Ranasinghe, The Dean, Faculty of Arts will be the Chief Guest and Professor Darshana Rathnayake will deliver the keynote address.

At 2:00 PM
New Arts Theatre, University of Colomb

Book Launch by an undergraduate (පාට වෙනස්)


‘Pata Wenas‘  (පාට වෙනස්) a book written by Ms. Ridmi Handapangoda, a second year Undergraduate of the Department of Sinhala, will be launched on 6th December 2017 at 2.00 pm in the M.B. Ariyapala Auditorium, Department of Sinhala, University of Colombo. The event will be chaired by Professor Rev. Agalakada Sirisumana Thero and special addresses will be delivered by Dr. Latha Gurusinghe, Head – […]

At 2:00 PM
M.B. Ariyapala Auditorium, Department of Sinhala, University of Colombo

Book Launch by an undergraduate (ගී ප්‍රදීපාර්ථ)


” Gee Pradeepartha” (ගී ප්‍රදීපාර්ථ) a book written by Ms. Kasuni Nadeeka, a second year Undergraduate of the Department of Sinhala, will be launched on 22nd November 2017 at 3.00 PM in the New Arts Theatre, University of Colombo. The Keynote speech will be delivered by Mr Jackson Anthony and the orchestra will be conducted by Susil Amarasinghe and his Crew. This event […]

At 3:00 PM
New Arts Theatre, University of Colombo

Call for Extended Abstracts – 4th Annual Research Symposium 2017


The Department of Demography, Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo invites academic staff members, researchers and postgraduate students from the fields of Demography and Social Sciences to submit extended abstracts for the Annual Research Symposium 2017 under the following sub-themes: Fertility and Reproductive Health Population, Health and Poverty Migration and Urbanization Population Aging and Long […]

At 12:00 AM
University of Colombo

Screening of “Amara Kaaviyam”


The film ‘Amara Kaaviyam’ will be screened on 15th November 2017, from 1.45 pm onwards at the M. B. Ariyapala Auditorium, Department of Sinhala, and will be followed by a discussion.  The event will be organized by the Sinhala Society, Department of Sinhala.  

At 1:45 PM
M. B. Ariyapala Auditorium, Department of Sinhala

Award Ceremony : Diploma in Sinhala


The Award Ceremony of Diploma in Sinhala will be held on 31st October 2017 at 2.00 p.m. in the M B Ariyapala Auditorium, Department of Sinhala.  The Vice Chancellor, Senior Professor Lakshman Disanayaka will grace the occasion as the Chief Guest.  The Keynote speech will be delivered by Emeritus Professor Gamini Dela Bandara, University of Kelaniya.  

M B Ariyapala Auditorium, Department of Sinhala

Seminar on “Forty Years On: The processes of change in a Sinhalese Fishing Village”


The Department of Sociology will be organizing the monthly seminar for the month of October, on  16th of October 2017 at 3.00 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. in the Seminar Room of the Department of Sociology. At this seminar, Prof. R. L. Stirrat presented the lecture on “Forty Years On: The processes of change in a Sinhalese Fishing Village”. Prof. R.L. Stirrat taught at the […]

At 3:00 PM

Annual Research Symposium – Department of Sinhala


The Annual Research Symposium (වාර්ෂික පර්යේෂණ සැසිය)  of the Department of Sinhala, University of Colombo,  will be held on 12th October 2017.   Extended abstracts are called. Please see the symposium poster for more details and guidelines. Main theme : සිංහල අධ්‍යයන ක්ෂේත්‍රයේ අන්තර්ශික්ෂණීය ස්වභාවය

At 8:00 AM

Chinese Rhythm and World Melody


The Confucius Institute, Faculty of Arts with collaboration of the Gannan Normal University, China will be organizing the Chinese Rhythm and World Melody (Chinese Music & Dance Tour Performance, South Asia 2017) on 12th October 2017 at the New Arts Theater , University of Colombo at 12.oo noon. This event is sponsored by the Confucius Institute Headquarters, China with the support of Chinese Embassy in […]

New Arts Theater , University of Colombo

Tourism Leaders’ Summit and International Research Symposium – 3rd & 4th Oct.


The third consecutive Tourism Leaders’ Summit and International Research Symposium organized by the Department of Economics, University of Colombo will be held on 3 and 4 October at the BMICH in Colombo. For more information , please visit :     Consolidating the boom in tourism development and the tourism development activities in the country, the Department of Economics, University […]

BMICH in Colombo

Launch of ‘Professor Emeritus Indrani Munasinghe Felicitation Volume’


The launch of ‘Professor Emeritus Indrani Munasinghe Felicitation Volume‘ will be held on 09th August 2017, at 3.00 pm in the FGS Auditorium, College House, University of Colombo.  The key note speech will be delivered by the Professor Emeritus S. Pathmanathan, Chancellor – University of Jaffna.  

At 3:00 PM
FGS Auditorium, College House, University of Colombo

Seminar on “Negotiating with Yakās: A Performative Approach to Study Healing Rituals and Demons”


Seminar on “Negotiating with Yakās: A Performative Approach to Study Healing Rituals and Demons” – 03rd August The Department of Sociology, University of Colombo is organizing a seminar on “Negotiating with Yakās: A Performative Approach to Study Healing Rituals and Demons” in the Seminar Room, Department of Sociology, on 03rd August 2017 from 3.00 p.m. – 4.30 p.m. , and the Speaker of this seminar […]

At 3:00 PM
Seminar Room, Department of Sociology

Seminar on Economics of Garbage Disposal 


The Sri Lanka Economic Association (SLEA) in Collaboration with the Development Resource Center (DRC) of the Department of Economics, University of Colombo along with the Knowledge Sharing partnership between the University of Colombo & the World Bank organize a Seminar on Economics of Garbage Disposal, on 27th July 2017  from  5.00 pm – 7.00 pm at the Department of Economics Auditorium,  Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo. Themes and […]

At 5:00 PM
Department of Economics Auditorium,  Faculty of Arts, University of Colombo.