Awards Ceremony of the Advanced Certificate in Immunology 2022 – IBMBB
The Institute of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IBMBB) concluded the successful completion of its 3rd Intake of the Advanced Certificate in Immunology – 2022 on 14th October 2022. The Awards Ceremony was held with the participation of the Vice Chancellor, Senior Professor (Chair) H.D. Karunaratne as the chief guest, The Director of IBMBB, Professor Prasanna Galhena and Mr KAS Edward, The Registrar of University of Colombo.
Advanced Certificate in Immunology was conceptualized by Professor Shiroma Handunnetti, Former Director, Chairperson of the Board of Study – Cellular and Molecular Immunology and was established in 2018 with the approval of the Senate and the Council of the University. Professor Sisira Pathirana and Dr Narmada Fernando have served as the co-coordinators of this programme since then. This course was the first academic programme conducted in blended learning mode at the IBMBB, and It was initiated through the UNESCO-funded Blended Learning Project completed by the University of Colombo. The Certificate also aligns with Sri Lanka Qualification Framework (SLQF) level 2, equivalent to National Vocational Qualification (NVQ) level 4. This year, 19 students were awarded including five Distinctions and seven Merits.