AUA Executive Meeting 2022
The Asian Universities Alliance (AUA) is an academic alliance of the top universities in the Asian region. It was officially established in 2017 to fulfil the long-felt need of exploring an Asian identity in learning and research. The 15 founding member universities of AUA of which the University of Colombo (UOC) is a member of are regarded as the top Asian universities at present. The United Arab Emirates University (UAEU), in collaboration with the AUA, hosted the “AUA Executives’ Meeting” (AUAEM) and the “AUA Youth Forum” (AUAYF) for the year 2022. The Executive Meeting was held on the 9th and 10th of November 2022 in hybrid mode at the United Arab Emirates University and was attended by Vice Chancellors, Vice Presidents, Senior faculty and administrators of the member institutions. Senior Professor (Chair) H.D. Karunaratne, the Vice Chancellor of the University of Colombo attended the said meeting in person and delivered the opening remarks focusing on the collaboration between the AUA and the University of Colombo.
Senior Professor D.U.J Sonnadara, Dean, Faculty of Science, and Dr Sashika Manoratne, Director, International Office joined the Executive meeting and the Working Group discussions online representing the University of Colombo.
Related AUA News: http://www.asianuniversities.org/info/1198/1457.htm