The 12th Annual Scientific Sessions of the IBMBB
The 12th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Institute of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology (IBMBB) was held on May 31st, 2023, at the conference hall of IBMBB. The Sessions consisted of 40 abstracts presented as oral and poster presentations by masters and Ph.D. research students from the IBMBB and other universities under four main thematic tracks, namely, plant genetic resources and biotechnology; molecular genetics and genomic medicine; natural products and bioinformatics; as well as clinical biochemistry and immunology.
Senior Professor H.D. Karunaratne, the Vice Chancellor of the University attended as the Chief Guest at the inauguration of the scientific sessions and the Professor Stanley Wijesundara memorial lecture was delivered by Professor Rohan Siriwardena, a Professor in Gastroenterology and Hepatobiliary Surgery at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Kelaniya. The ceremony was also attended by family members of the late Professor Wijesundera, and Mr Shalitha Wijesundera addressed the gathering on behalf of the Wijesundera family.