World Environment Day 2021
World Environment Day is celebrated every year on June 5th to raise awareness of the environment and enhance the attention and action towards protecting it. The theme of World Environment Day 2021 is Ecosystem Restoration. Unless we come up with effective remedies to the wounds of nature that man has already inflicted, the survival of life on Earth will be uncertain in the future. Therefore, prompt attention needs to be paid to ecosystem restoration in the face of scarcity of natural resources, the severity of natural disasters, and climate change. UN Environment Programme launched the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration on World Environment Day 2021.
Due to the Covid- 19 Global pandemic situation, the Center for Environmental Initiatives, University of Colombo, celebrated World Environment Day 2021 by conducting an online webinar to educate the university community on timely environmental concerns. Recognizing the importance of adopting green means into every field, the CEI invited three environmentalists in different fields as keynote speakers of the event.

Prof. Siril Wijesundara
Research Professor, National
Institute of Fundamental Studies, Sri Lanka
Topic: Restoration of Some Important Ecosystems in Sri Lanka

Ms. Udari Mohotti
Founder and director of UMO designs
Topic: Smart Actions and Choices towards Minimizing Threats to Our Ecosystem: a Designer’s approach: From Trash to Treasure

Ms. Michelle Dilhara
Earth Day
Network Ambassador of Sri Lanka
Topic: Urban Restoration and Rewilding: The Solution to Heal the World`s Climate Crisis and Global Warming