Second Undergraduate Research Symposium 2014 – Department of Sinhala
The Department of Sinhala successfully hosted the second undergraduate research symposium on the 16th of September 2014 at M.B. Ariyapala Auditorium, Department of Sinhala. The inauguration ceremony commenced at 9.30 a.m. with the presence of Prof. Athula Ranasinghe, the Dean- Faculty of Arts. Prof. Agalakada SirisumanaThero, the Head of the Department of Sinhala made the welcome speech. The Keynote Address, titled A review of knowledge production was delivered by Prof.Asanga Thilakaratne- Pali and Buddhist unit, University of Colombo. There were three sessions chaired by three Emeritus professors, Language Studies by Emeritus Professor J. B.Dissanayake, Literature Studies by Emeritus Professor Kusuma Karunaratne and Cultural and Folklore Studies by Emeritus Professor Rohini Paranawithana.
This Symposium was organized with the intention of enhancing undergraduates’ research abilities and enthusiasm on research culture. The event was coordinated by Dinithi Ranasinghe and Indunil Piyarathna, Assistant Lecturers of the department, under the guidance of Prof. Agalakada Sirisumana Thero and Dr. Sandagomi Cooperahewa, Senior Lecturer – Department of Sinhala.