Obituary Notice – Professor Carlo Fonseka
It is with a deep sense of sorrow I announce the demise of Professor Carlo Fonseka, a great philosopher, scientist and teacher par excellence. He adorned our halls of learning in the Faculty of Medicine Colombo with great precision and aplomb, and never missed an opportunity to join us in fellowship when we traversed major institutional milestones.
Professor Fonseka was penning his recollections of our university in time for the 150th Anniversary celebrations of the Faculty of Medicine Colombo in 2020, and most astutely informed the organizing team of its completion when he was hospitalized over the past few weeks. He will be greatly missed by his students but his memory will be treasured over the centuries ahead. We extend our deepest sympathies to his loving wife and family.
Senior Professor Chandrika N Wijeyaratne
Vice Chancellor
University of Colombo