Newsletter – June 2016, UoC Obtains an ‘A’ Grade
June 2016 | ISSN No: 2478-1045
Upon submission of the Self Evaluation Report (SER), the Institutional Review of the UoC took place between 14th of March 2016 to 18th of March 2016, by a panel of seven member Review Team appointed by the UGC. The review process was led by Senior Prof. Lakshman Dissanayake, Vice-Chancellor of the UoC, with the support of the Director Internal Quality Assurance Unit (IQAU), Deans of the Faculties, Directors of the Institutes and the Management Committee of the IQAU. Based on the cumulative total score of 10 criteria, the UoC was awarded an ‘A’ grade, with a performance descriptor of ‘Very Good’.